Page 89 of Pay for Your Lies

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Carter mumbles something from his position on the couch, pulling our attention over to him and making Rogue let me go.

“You all right, mate?” Phoenix asks, walking up to him.

“Never better.” Is Carter’s muttered response.

“Alright, let’s try to sober him up a bit before tonight.” Rogue says, crossing his arm as he watches him. “Thayer’s going to have all our asses if we actually kill this fucker.”




Carter was black out drunk when I met up with him at the grand opening.

Truthfully, I wasn’t even sure how he was still conscious. He wobbled in alongside the others and made a conspicuous ass of himself by being loud and obnoxious in his greeting of me.

Wanting to dance with me, he’d dragged me onto the dance floor where we’d attempted to spin around the room. He’d tripped over his feet, then my dress, and that’d put an end to the dancing.

Now he’s supporting his weight on my shoulder as he fights unconsciousness and I just need to find somewhere to put him.

“There’s that professor’s lounge just down the hall. Why don’t we bring him there?” Nera asks.

“Yeah, good idea, let’s do that.”

I hook one of his arms over my shoulders and Nera takes the other. Within minutes, we have him in the room and he’s passed out on one of the couches, his limbs hanging off haphazardly.

“Well, they certainly did a number on him.” Nera says as she straightens, looking down at him with her hands on her hips.

“He does this to himself.” I correct, frustration tainting my words, “He can’t hold his liquor.”

This isn’t the first time we’ve been in these exact same roles, Carter and I.

She puts a comforting hand on my shoulder. “What are you going to do?” She asks, “Are you going to stay with him?”

I hesitate, but not for long.

I didn’t ask him to come. Didn’t ask him to get blind drunk the first night he’s here and ruin any chances of us spending time together.

And the truth is I haven’t been able to stop thinking about my conversation with Bellamy earlier.

When I’d left Rhys’ room and found her standing bewildered in the hallway.

“What are you doing here? Were you with Rhys in there?” She asks me, as her eyebrows hit her hairline.

“Yeah, it’s a long story. How did you know I was here?”

“I saw Six’s car parked outside when I was going to the bathroom. I had a feeling it was you so I came to check.”

I don’t pretend to be surprised that she thought it was me. I can’t deny that, in her shoes, I’d have thought the same thing. Plus, she was obviously right.

“What are you doing here?” She asks again, not one to be distracted.

“Mackley didn’t show up to practice so I came to make sure he was okay.”

Alright, so maybe it isn’t that long of a story.

“So, naturally, you snuck in here past your boyfriend to do so?” She asks, the sarcasm thick in her voice.
