Page 15 of The Keeper

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“You’re still a sonofabitch, but you’re also right.”

He chuckled. “Glad you think so.”

She ignored him. “So how do you see coverage working? Obviously, I’ll be with him twenty-four/seven, but we’ll need more people in place.”

“Agreed. I thought I’d send Seth, Brock, and Jimmy. That way you can have at least one person tailing you, one person to be at Damon’s home during the night and Seth can be where you need him when you need him.”

“I’d like Knox to give Seth a consulting job at the office. That way he has a reason to be here, and I have backup. Jimmy and Brock can stay at the house and/or meet us at the club.”

“So, you two worked out your differences?” Miley snorted into the phone. “I was afraid of that. Listen Miley, Damon Knox is not some pretty boy who inherited daddy’s money. He’s one tough sonofabitch and an experienced Dom. He was with Naval Intelligence and has seen as much, if not more, action than you. I’d trust him with my life. More importantly, I’d trust him with JJ’s. He only agreed to protection because I pointed out to him that the longer this goes on, the more his ex-fiancée will escalate and the more likely it is that she could hurt others trying to get to him. If you become her main target, we can control the situation.”

Miley found herself nodding, which was stupid because Fitz was on the phone and couldn’t see her.

“When Seth gets here, I want him to start tracking that bitch electronically, digitally, and any other way he can. I want to go on the offensive and bring her down. But before we can go after her, we need a whole lot more to go on.”

“Sounds like you’ve got a good handle on it. I’ll get the others headed your way. You’re in charge, Miley. Keep him safe and catch this bitch. Watch your back. Acosta can be a ruthless bastard, but he loves his daughter.”

“I understand. I’ll take care of him.”

“You take care of yourself. And if it gets too uncomfortable or you don’t want to do something he’s trying to coerce you to do, tell him no. The lads will back you up.”

“I’ll be fine, Fitz, but he’s right. We need to make Frannie jealous enough to come at me instead of Damon, and that means selling me as his new submissive.”

“He’s not a bad guy, but it was obvious to me that he found you wildly attractive. He thinks there’s unfinished business between you from London, but don’t do anything you’re not comfortable doing.”

“Don’t worry, Boss. I’m a big girl. I can handle myself… and your buddy, Damon.”

“I think that’s what worries me, but what worries me more is I can’t decide how I want this to turn out.”

“Well, let me make it easy for you. I’ll play my part, maybe even enjoy spending a little time with Knox. I’ll catch Frannie Acosta, turn her over to the feds and then take that nice, long, luxury vacation you owe me.”

“That’s my girl,” Fitz said with a laugh.

Miley headed back down the stairs, keyed in the security code and was relieved when she found Knox sitting behind his desk.

He looked up and smiled. “Let me know what you’d like for lunch. I’ll have Georgina order it in unless you’d like to go out.”

“No, I’d prefer, especially today, if we could stay at your office or your home. After the rest of the team is in place, we can venture out to your club and whatever social events you feel you have to attend.”

“There are some. What’s your wardrobe like? I know you have exceptional taste, but I don’t think Fitz really gave you a good rundown on what was going to be expected of you. Georgina said you had a kind of tapestry satchel and a laptop bag. She has both behind her desk.”

“When lunch gets here, I’d prefer to have both inside. I can work on my laptop while you’re doing whatever it is CEOs do. And you’re right, Fitz didn’t tell me I’d be needing a couple of fancy dresses. And I didn’t bring any club wear.”

“You’ll need more than a few fancy dresses and clothes to fit in where we’ll be going, and I don’t want you seen at the club in the same corsets more than one or two times. I’ll have one of the local corset makers come over and get your measurements.”

Miley smiled. “Let’s make them really expensive.”

“Have you decided you’d like to spend my money?” he asked, pushing back from his desk.

“Not yours; Fitz’s. They’ll go on my expense report.”

Knox shook his head. “Too easy to track. Anyone who knows me, and like it or not Frannie does, will know I’d be the one paying the bills. We’ll also need to stop at one of the jewelry stores and get a collar.” He waved her off. “Don’t start, Miley. If we’re going to be together, especially at The Carriage House, I don’t want there to be any question about you being my sub. The easiest way to do that, and frankly the thing that’ll make Frannie crazy, is if you’re wearing an exquisite collar.”

“You do remember this is just a cover, right? I’ll play the part and I can accept your discipline, but that doesn’t mean I’m actually submitting to you. This is not a real Dom/sub relationship.”

“Sex?” he asked casually, but which they both knew was a loaded question.

“I’ll be upfront with you, Knox…”
