Page 56 of Dev Girl

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“You might feel that way, but I’ve never met anyone on a course more true to themselves than you.” Onyx scooted closer. “I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t know you. Alys would be different. Even if you think you don’t have a clear direction, the one you’re taking is all you, and that’s so enviable.”

I didn’t know how to respond to that. I spent a large part of my life hearing how bad it was to be me, and while I disagreed, it was weird to hear someone else back me up. “I still don’t want you to go, but if life says you need to be in Flagstaff, and you’re feeling the tug… I get it.”


It was late, and there wasn’t much more conversation before we headed into separate rooms. It was strange sleeping in here alone, after a few days of being wrapped up in Onyx and Alys. I was already addicted to them being so close. To being a part of what they shared.

Not that I slept much. My mind was a non-stop flood of how do I make Onyx and Alys better, and when I did doze, my dreams were half rage-filled and half sensual and erotic. Both were intense.

When I gave up on trying to sleep, my skin buzzed with need, my mind hummed with frustration, and my cock was hard.


Angry, exhausted, solo orgasms were rarely as much fun as most alternatives.

I was going to take a shower, work on the contest, and hope I wasn’t doing so with Alys and Onyx refusing to talk to each other. My toothbrush was in Onyx’s bathroom though.

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes and resisting the urge to rub the horniness from my dick, I didn’t completely register the sound of running water. I pushed open the master bath door, and my brain caught up to what my eyes saw.

Onyx’s reflection was in the mirror, water sliding down his hard, naked form, while he fisted his cock.



Waking up to an erection after a night of shitty sleep was another frustration to add to my growing list. Especially since it refused to go away or be ignored as I tried to get ready for the day.

Fine. I knew how to get rid of it. Unlike the fact that my buyer might be falling through or the reality of one of my best friends shutting me out, I could jerk this away and wash the aftereffects down the drain,

Except when I stepped into the shower, hot water spilling around me, nearly scalding me, and fisted my cock, an unwelcome wash of memories flooded my mind. Alys’s fingers there instead of mine. Maddox pressing his naked body into my back.

I tried to shake the vivid images—half-memory and half-fantasy—away, and opened my eyes.

Maddox was in my bathroom doorway, his gaze locked on mine in the mirror. He was here, not a part of the fantasy.

When his hand dropped below his waist, to the distinct bulge in his boxers, I gripped my shaft harder. I couldn’t look away from my reflection.

The fantasies flooded in with no way for me to stop them. Not that I had any desire to do so. Of Maddox at my feet, sucking my cock. Of me sliding into him from behind, while he was inside Alys…

Fuck. I stroked my cock slowly, watching Maddox rub himself through his boxers, while images assaulted my mind and overlapped with now.

Maddox worked himself free, and matched my rhythm beat for beat. It was hypnotic. He looked tantalizing and I felt at least that good.

It was easy to get lost in the heat of fantasy. In letting the extra sensations wash over me along with the shower. The water flowed around me in warm rivulets, running down my body like the fingers in my mind.

I didn’t want to look away from Maddox, and the way his face contorted in pleasure. He leaned against the doorframe, and kept jerking. Harder. Faster. While I worked my shaft at the same rate.

My eyes drifted shut as orgasm crept up and filled my veins. I tumbled into the sensations fueled by waking dreams, and my every nerve ending danced in response to the stimuli. I couldn’t hold back. The tightening in my toes, in my grip, was too much.

I came hard, a new warm, wet sensation hitting my hand, again and again, as I yanked until I was spent.

I leaned my head against the cool tile of the shower wall, catching my breath. When I opened my eyes, Maddox was gone, and the bathroom door was closed.

That was unexpected. And incredible. I had no idea what to think, but fortunately my post-orgasm brain didn’t want to think any more than it wanted answers to how Maddox jerked off in my doorway without leaving a mess behind. It left my thoughts silent enough for me to finish my shower, and get dressed.

In the kitchen, I put coffee on while I heard the sounds of Maddox moving around in the next room. My mind muddled quickly. What happened in the bathroom? Was it the kind of thing we talked about?

I scrambled a few eggs and heated up some bacon. How was I going to make things right with Alys? She had to listen to me long enough for me to explain. To apologize for waiting so long to let her know.
