Page 205 of Sin With Me

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Before I realize what’s even happening, she tosses her long hair over her shoulder as she whirls around. I expect him to follow, but he doesn’t. Instead, he leans back against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest, a pissed-off look on his face.


I track her as she heads toward the group of dancing people I’m a part of, and before my sober mind can talk any sense into me, I grab her arm.

“What the fuck?” She yanks away, glaring at me.

“I love your hair,” I blurt. She’s a bit shorter than me, even with her heels on, and much thinner. Her tits are big, definitely fake, but still so stupidly nice it makes mine feel inadequate.

“What?” Her perfectly sculpted brows pinch together before relaxing. She smooths her hand over the fine, silky strands as a smile curves her red-painted mouth. “My hair? Thanks.” She scans me, taking me in for the first time, and nods. “You’re pretty, too. I love the look you have going on.” She waves her hand at me as she speaks. “Very small-town-country-girl.”

Heat rises to my cheeks. “Not really a country girl,” I mutter, but she doesn’t hear me over the music. My mouth opens to ask her about Roman, but before I can get a word out, she steps further into my space.

“I can give you the number of my stylist,” she says, wrapping her finger around one of my curls. “He’d have so much fun with you.” Reaching up, I wrap my hand around her wrist.

Her emerald gaze locks with mine, and her lips curve into a broader, more feline smile. My heart lurches into my throat, but I’m unable to look away, like she’s caught me in her web.

“I’m Nikki,” she purrs.

“Eve,” I murmur, leaning toward her so she can hear me over the music. She hums, her hand sliding down my arm to my elbow.

“Dance with me, Eve.” Her other hand rests on the curve of my waist, and my breath catches as she steps even closer, completely invading my personal space.

“What the—” Oli cuts herself off, finally seeing the new person in our little group. “Get it, slutty-slutterson!” She cackles at her joke, tipping the bottle back and taking a deep mouthful.

Nikki’s eyes bore into mine, and it feels like the party melts away, like we’re the only two in the room. The bass rattles through us, like we’re sharing one body. But before I can get too lost in her, a massive, tattooed body steps too close to us, his leathery, smoky scent hitting me like a lead brick.

My head snaps toward him, ready to tell him to fuck off, but the words die on my lips. He wraps his arm around a dark-haired girl, pulling her closer to him before letting go. The corner of his mouth tips up in a taunting smirk and I read the message clearly in his eyes: game on.

His dance partner drunkenly throws her arms around him, stumbling closer, before snaking her body against his. Anger rises in my chest as I take them in, watching the way she touches him, the way he lets their bodies linger too close together.

Turning back toward Nikki, I find her grinning at me as if she knows exactly what I’m feeling, what I’m thinking. I wrap my arms around her shoulders as hers go around my waist. Our hips move at the same speed, our breasts pressing against each other. Her sweet scent almost overpowers Roman’s, but I can still smell him, still feel his looming presence.

I glance over and nearly riot. The girl has her back pressed to his front as she grinds her ass against his crotch. His eyes never leave mine, his hands resting on her hips.

I want to reach over and rip his hands off her. I want to shove her out the front door, tell her to never touch what’s mine. But then Nikki’s hand caresses my cheek, gently guiding me back to her gaze. My attention slides back to Roman, and I watch the girl dance on him from the corner of my eye. He doesn’t do anything to push her away. If anything, when he notices I’m still watching, he presses his hips into her even more.

“Trying to piss him off?” Nikki murmurs, her sharp nails scratching a teasing line down my cheek, my neck, stopping at my collarbone. Goosebumps ripple over my body, and I let out a soft breath.

“Yes,” I breathe. Her smile turns feral, and everything in my body heats. I don’t realize what’s happening until her mouth is on mine, her lips softer than any man’s I’ve ever felt.

“Holy shit!” Oli cries, but I ignore her as I push harder into Nikki.

I feel the crowd around us part, giving us space, before flashes go off from every direction. Her tongue snakes along the seam of my lips and I eagerly open for her. Guys around us cheer, more flashes go off, but it’s one reaction I notice more than anyone else’s.

A soft snarl rips from where Roman was, and I know it’s him. It only spurs me on, and I let my hands slide down Nikki’s lithe body, her touch mimicking mine. We paw and grope at each other, her body so soft against mine.

“My room,” I breathe against her lips, my forehead resting against hers. She nods, and I grip her hand in mine, dragging her through the crowd. More guys holler, making me momentarily second guess myself. But then I look over my shoulder, my gaze locking on Roman’s fiery one, and I smile.

Nikki and I stumble into my bedroom, a nervous giggle ripping from my throat. It’s cut short by the softness of her lips on mine again. I move to shut the door, but a hand bangs against it, jolting us. My head snaps toward the sound, finding Roman glaring at me, his chest heaving.

Instead of his presence doing anything to scare me into stopping, I grip the bottom of my dress and haul it over my head. Nikki’s gaze rakes over my body before she smiles at Roman.

“Pretty little thing,” she purrs, running her nail between my breasts. Slowly, she circles me, taking in every inch. Roman’s body looms in the doorway, blocking everyone’s view behind him.

Her hand slides lower, her finger slipping under the band of my panties. My breath catches and I look at Roman. His arms are folded over his chest, his jaw tense. But he dips his head in a slight nod, and warmth spreads through my body.

He wants this.
