Page 206 of Sin With Me

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I can give this to him.

Turning my attention back to Nikki, I reach for her dress with shaky hands. With his approval, I don’t feel as lost, like I’m doing this alone. With him there, even if he’s feet away, I feel safe. Like he’s with me every step of the way.

She grins as she lets me hesitantly slide the thin straps off her boney shoulders, letting the silky fabric fall in a red pool at her feet. She’s wearing the tiniest thong I’ve ever seen, and no bra, her nipples already hard.

“I’ve never done this,” I breathe, and she nods like she already knew that.

“Let me take your bra off, baby,” she murmurs, her voice gentle. Slowly, her hand glides along my torso as she moves behind me. I look at Roman again, his eyes riveted to my body, to where Nikki is slipping her hands under the band of my bra and unhooking it.

My breath catches as it falls from my chest and down my arms to the floor. Her hands are warm as they slide along my skin, her breasts pressing into my back as she cups mine.

“There we go,” she breathes into my ear, sending lightning through my body. A small moan slips from my lips as she lightly pinches my nipples. “That feels so good, doesn’t it?” My mouth falls open as she twists them just enough to cause pain. “Tell him how much you like it.”

I tip my head to the side, finding Roman watching us, his hands in tight fists across his chest. “I like it, Ro,” I whisper. He grinds his teeth together so hard, I worry he’s about to break a tooth.

Almost like he doesn’t mean to, he lets a hand fall and mindlessly run over the growing bulge in his jeans.

Is it because of her or me? The thought flits so quickly through my drunk mind, I can almost ignore it. But once it settles, I can’t shake it.

Her or me?

Me or her?

Her lips press against my neck, pulling me from my thoughts, but my gaze stays locked on Roman’s. He watches intently, his body taut and ready to snap as she kisses along my overly sensitive skin, her hands still groping my heavy breasts.

She gently guides me toward the bed, and I hesitate before climbing onto it, the coils barely creaking under our weight. Her kisses are soft on my skin as I fall onto my back, twisting so she’s above me. The hardened peaks of her breasts glide over me, sending electricity zapping through my body.

My legs widen, and she settles herself between them. Reaching up, I tangle my fingers in her soft hair and tug her mouth to mine, moaning as she grinds her hips against my aching core.

My gaze slides to Roman, and I find him fumbling with his belt, his eyes on us—on me? Her? A small whimper leaves me as I watch him slide his hand into his boxers, and Nikki pulls away enough to look at him. She lets out a dark, sultry laugh.

“Isn’t he pathetic?” Her words are harsh, and I inhale a sharp breath. He pauses, his fist wrapped tightly around the base of his leaking cock. My breath hitches at the fiery look that crosses his face, the way his grip tightens.

Another laugh comes from her before she dips her head, kissing her way along my jaw, down my neck, to my chest. My eyes stay on Roman’s as he reluctantly slides his fist up, his neck straining as he strokes himself harder. My back bows off the bed as her hot mouth wraps around my peaked nipple, a cry slipping from my lips.

“Fuck,” Roman groans from the doorway. She smiles as her eyes flick up to mine.

“What do you say, Eve? Should we give him a show?”

I’m too far gone to care at this point, and I nod frantically at her words. Her smile is pure confidence as she sucks my nipple into her mouth, her hand sliding up my thigh. Her fingertips trace teasing circles over my panties, and my breathing turns harsh.

Suddenly, a few people scream in the other room, curses flying through the air, and Roman and I freeze. He glances over his shoulder, and when looks back, his face is pale and his eyes are wide.

“Get dressed,” he hisses.

I shove Nikki off me, and she tumbles to the side, laughing as I scramble off the bed. “What—”

“Now, Goldie.” His cock is already back in his pants as he dips down and grabs Nikki’s dress before tossing it at her. “You, too.” She catches it, but doesn’t move to get off the bed.

“Get out of my house!” a voice booms, and my blood turns to ice. I’d recognize it anywhere, and I turn frantic eyes to Roman.

“What’s he doing here? He’s not supposed to—”

“I don’t know,” Roman breathes, grabbing Nikki by her arm and hauling her to her feet. After I fumble with my bra for what feels like forever, I drop my dress back over my head. Roman forces Nikki to put her dress on right as Isaac fills the doorway of my room.

“What the hell—” Isaac’s black gaze shifts from me to Roman to Nikki. “What’s going on in here?”

“Sorry, babe,” Roman says to Nikki. “We keep getting interrupted.” He shoots a glare my way, one I feel to my core, and I drop my eyes. His hand stays tight around hers as he yanks her toward the door, but Isaac doesn’t move.
