Page 207 of Sin With Me

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“Where do you think you’re going?”

“Where do you think?” Roman snarls. “Out of my way.” He shoulder-checks Isaac on his way out, his hand moving from her arm to the back of her neck. She sends me a sly look over her shoulder, one I don’t return, and wrap my arms around myself.

Isaac’s fury is palpable in my suddenly too-small bedroom. “Party at our loft in Mammoth!” Chase calls, his voice carrying all the way to me. I glance up, looking past Isaac as I watch Roman and Nikki disappear with the crowd of people.

Isaac steps further into my room, slamming the door so hard the walls rattle. I glance at the empty map on my wall, watching the pictures around it shudder. “What the fuck was going on in here?” he growls.

“I—I—Roman—” I don’t know what to say, how to get out of this. I fucked up. Big time.

Isaac steps closer, so close his body heat sears me. I finally look up at him, at the rage boiling on the surface. “I’m sorry, Isaac,” I breathe. His nose scrunches, his face shifting into disgust as he lowers his head to mine. He takes a small inhale, recoiling.

“Are you drunk?” he hisses. My eyes widen as I cover my mouth with a shaky hand. A humorless laugh leaves him, and he shakes his head. “I’m gone for a few days, and you drink? Whore yourself out? What happened in here? What was I interrupting?”

“Nothing,” I say behind my hand. “I—he—”

Before I can get another word out, his hand wraps around my upper arm and he yanks me toward the adjoining bathroom, pushing the door open. He shoves me to the floor, the cold tile biting into my knees. A pained cry leaves me as he wraps my hair in his fist and wrenches my head back.

“Open,” he grits out. I don’t understand what he wants, so I just stare up at him, tears filling my eyes as his grip tightens further. My hair screams in agony at the rough treatment, but he doesn't care. “Open your mouth, Evelyn.”

Still, I keep my mouth shut. Confusion, pain, betrayal, all war inside me. Where did Roman go with Nikki? Was he really finishing what we started, just the two of them?

Before any other thoughts can assault me, Isaac’s hand grips my jaw and pries my mouth open. I try to speak, but he shoves two fingers down my throat.

“This is for your own fucking good,” he snarls. I grip his wrist, more tears streaming from my eyes, into my hair as he forces his fingers deeper. I stare into his black eyes, silently begging him to stop.

But he doesn’t.

Not until he feels hot acid rise up my throat, then he pulls his fingers out, letting the searing liquid spew from my mouth into the toilet. My stomach contracts with each gag, sending bolts of pain through my body.

Finally, the vomit stops coming, and I breathe heavily, trying to stop myself from sobbing. But then he pulls my head back again, his fingers finding themselves back down my throat.

“Please,” I mumble around him, but he ignores me. Saliva and tears drip from my chin onto my dress as sweat coats my skin. His fingers wiggle enough to trigger my gag reflex, and he yanks them back out, watching as yellow bile shoots from me.

Finally, he lets go of my hair, letting me fall to the floor in a boneless heap. The tile feels good against my hot skin, soothing me as I sob. My knees come up to my chest and I wrap my arms around them, letting myself break.

His gaze penetrates me to my core, but I can’t make myself look at him. Humiliation mixes with the realization that Roman is balls deep in that random girl right now, and I’m here…breaking.


“I’m so disappointed in you, Eve,” Isaac sighs, forcing another broken sob out my throat. “Clean this mess up.”


Are you okay?




Answer me.


Are you okay?

