Page 122 of A Slice For My Demon

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“Hush you.” Kevin chuckled, but he stopped as an unpleasant thought popped into his head. “Hey. Al. Did you know Joe was a hunter?”

“Joe?” Al scoffed in disbelief. “JoeButton? Owns Ripley’s? Come on now. Is this something from one of your movies?”

“No! I’m serious.” Kevin shook his head and pointed at Percy. “Joe kidnapped him and was gonna kill him. Before that, he sicced his fucking psycho half-demon cousin on us. Followed us across the whole damn country tryin’ to kill us.”

“Who?” Al asked worriedly.

“Sebastian Something Italian,” Percy chimed in. “Absolute prick. Zero out of ten, would not recommend.”

Al slumped against the prep counter. “Sebastian Rossi. Holy fuck.”

Kevin couldn’t be certain, but he thought this might have been the first time he’d ever heard Al cuss.

“Wow.” Al scrubbed his hand over his face. “We have a lot to talk about. And I mean a lot.” His expression hardened. “What happened? Have they been dealt with? I’m not too old to go to work.”

Kevin grinned. “While I would love to see you be all big and badass, I already drop-kicked Sebastian’s head into the ocean.” His smile dipped as he continued, “I took care of Joe too. He said he has more family though, and we’re not exactly numero uno on their list of happy things.”

“I’m so sorry.” Al sighed. “Not about the head kicking or whatever, but for Joe. I know you guys were friends. I had no idea he was a hunter. When we came here, I thought it would be safe.”

“It could potentially become very unsafe at any time,” Percy said gravely. “Any help would be very—”

“Wait!” Julie’s slurred voice called out. “Are you saying someone is gonna try to hurt Kevin?”

There was a loudthwumpas Steve and James hit the floor at the corner of the kitchen doorway. Julie landed right on top of them.

The smell of sweet and sour mix was very strong.

Kevin stared at his friends in horror, worried that what they may have overheard would ruin everything. “Uh… hi, guys.”

“Hi.” Steve waved.

Kevin’s stomach felt like it was filled with grasshoppers as he walked over to help them up. He got Julie up first, asking, “You okay?”

Julie stumbled forward, and she leaned heavily on Kevin. She poked his chest and demanded, “Tell me the truth! Is someone messing with you? ’Cause I’ll fuck ’em up.”

“I do so like her,” Percy teased as he helped up James and then Steve.

Steve took Percy’s assistance as an invitation for a hug and wrapped his arms around him. “Yeah, there’s bad people who wanna hurt ’em ’cause they’re demons. Way not cool.”

“Who? Where are they?” Julie snapped. “I might be on vacation, but I can still whoop someone’s ass!”

Kevin laughed and kissed the top of Julie’s head. “Listen, short version is yeah. Someone tried to kill us, but they’re not gonna be a problem anymore. Their family might be though.”

“Okay.” Julie swayed a little. “I’m gonna need you to explain the whole killing you thing. And the demon thing.”

“Look, it’s a long and weird story,” Kevin said. “If y’all really wanna hear it, I’ll tell you.” He grinned. “But we’re gonna need to lock that front door and make another round of margaritas.”

“I’ll get the tequila.” Percy peeled himself away from Steve, pausing to kiss Kevin’s cheek as he breezed by. “Love you, peaches.”

“Love you too, princess.”

The thought of fighting Joe’s potentially crazy and murder happy family was not very appealing, but Kevin would do what he had to. No matter what, he had his own family now, and they would figure this out.

Him, his demon boyfriend, his very real uncle, his pet hellhound, his fierce manager, his anime-obsessed cook…

And of course, Steve.
