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“I am as well.” Notreal grinned. “I might have to try it again sometime.”

“I would like that. Maybe next time…” Scott dared to press closer. “You don’t just have to watch.”

“I could… oh!” Notreal seemed surprised, and he slowly slid his arm around Scott. “You… would like me to join you?”

Scott reached up to cradle the side of Notreal’s face, leaning against his chest. “I would like that very, very much.”

Notreal tilted into Scott’s palm like a kitten, and he hugged Scott tight.

Scott’s heart skipped a beat as Notreal bowed his head, and he realized they were about to kiss. He could taste Notreal’s sweet breath and he closed his eyes, certain their lips were about to meet at any—

The oven buzzed.


Notreal flinched away and turned toward the oven. “Is it all right? It sounds angry.”

“It’s just telling us that it’s preheated. One sec.” Scott scrambled away from Notreal to grab the cake pans. He knew they’d been about to kiss if the damn oven hadn’t gone off, and he hoped that they could try again soon. He got the pans in and then shut the oven door. “Now we just gotta set a timer. See?”

Notreal watched intently as Scott pushed more buttons on the oven. “And now it is set?”

“Yes, so—”

Notreal grabbed him, ducking his head and pressing his lips to Scott’s in a heated kiss.

Scott flailed in surprise before his hands found purchase on Notreal’s lean shoulders. The kiss was hot, messy, and he arched forward, wanting to be as close as possible.

Crushing Scott against his chest, Notreal let out a growl that was definitely not human. He cradled the back of Scott’s head and licked eagerly into Scott’s mouth. Scott kissed back hungrily, and he was instantly in love with the teasing prick of Notreal’s sharp teeth. He loved how Notreal’s thick tongue filled his mouth, and he sucked on it as they made out.

Scott had never felt such an intense attraction before, and he couldn’t get enough of Notreal’s lips or his slick skin. He gasped as Notreal backed Scott into the counter, and he could feel Notreal’s huge cock getting hard between them. The apron did nothing to hide it, and Scott couldn’t resist grinding on it.

“Mm, Scott,” Notreal murmured huskily, nipping at Scott’s lip.

“You watched me, didn’t you? Touching myself?” Scott dragged his nails down Notreal’s back. “Fucking myself?”

Notreal squeezed Scott’s hips. “Yes… I didn’t mean to, but you sounded so beautiful. I had to see.”

“I knew you were there.” Scott shuddered. “I, I didn’t know it wasyouexactly, but I knew someone was watching me.” He kissed Notreal. “Mm, I’m so glad it was you.”

Notreal growled as he lifted Scott up onto the counter. “You really are amazing. I watched you a lot, I admit.”

“I liked it.” Scott spread his legs to draw Notreal in as they kissed. He dropped his hands to grab Notreal’s bare ass. “I liked putting shows on for you.”

Notreal’s hips jerked forward, and he mouthed his way down Scott’s throat. “Oh, I could watch you forever. I wanted to touch you so badly.”

“You can touch me all you want.” Scott gasped sharply when he felt Notreal’s teeth.

“Don’t mind if I do.”

Scott shuddered as Notreal’s big hands slid over his body, pausing at the hem of Scott’s underwear and teasing there. “God, yes,please.”

“I loved seeing you. I especially enjoyed when you’d watch the adult movies on the big television. I can see that one the best.”

“You watched me look at porn?” Scott squeaked out a nervous laugh. “Christ. Hey, you know, I’m, uh, a single guy. I like watching them. Maybe we could, uh, watch one together sometime.”

“You are much better than the television, but I would like that very much.” Notreal pulled at Scott’s underwear. “May I?”

“Oh, yes, please, please please!” Scott laughed at how quickly Notreal whipped off his boxers, his hard cock bouncing against his stomach. He was already panting, breathless and hot, and he had no idea what was about to happen but he was sure he wanted it.
