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“I am doing dirty work right now.” Parker held up her hands and wiggled her fingers inside the dirt-stained gloves.

“You’ve been working on one arrangement the entire time.”

“That’s not fair. I don’t do this for a living. I work at a desk.”


Parker realized she’d walked right into that one. “That’s why we can do this together. I can see you care about Bonnie and she needs that support. I know you don’t think modern technology is what Bonnie’s Bluebonnets needs, but trust me, small town or not, the only way to save this place is to get Bonnie on board with social media, a website, and an online presence.”

“She doesn’t even know how to sign into the internet. Has the website even been started?” Ophelia flicked a finger toward the computer.

“It’ll take her some time.” Parker hadn’t wanted to force the woman into something she wasn’t ready for.

“Epic fail,” Ophelia groaned.

“Are you always so negative?”

One corner of the woman’s mouth lifted but she didn’t allow the smile to form. “I’m willing to do a lot for Bonnie, but I think she should sell, pay off all the debt and wash her hands of everything.”

“But is that truly what she wants? If you ask her, what would her answer be?” Ophelia looked down at the purple flowers sitting in a vase of water. When she didn’t answer, Parker continued. “I think you know what she’d say. Maybe Bonnie could use a partner. Someone who understands computers, advertising, what customers need to make a business to be successful in a new generation.”

Ophelia popped her gaze up. “What are you saying?”

“I think you know a little about business and a heck of a lot about flowers. I also think you were hoping Bonnie would sell so you could buy the business.”

“I wouldn’t do anything—”

“It’s okay. I get it. But I’m only suggesting you consider a different approach. Bonnie loves this place and is an asset. That’s something that can’t be replaced. I don’t know her very well but I think she’s open minded and willing to compromise.” Parker dragged off her gloves.

“Where are you going?”

“Since my arrangement doesn’t meet your approval then I’m retiring from this job. I have work to do on the computer myself. I think you’ll enjoy working alone.”

“I didn’t mean to run you off,” Ophelia said in a low voice. “I’ve been having some family drama that has my mind in an uproar. Maybe I need to work on my delivery as well.”

“Yes, you did mean to run me off, but I agree. This arrangement stinks.” Parker laughed.

Walking the worn path to the barn, she glimpsed Raven going into the barn and she took a different trajectory. She could use a cowboy fix. She practically skipped down the path.

Inside the musky, damp space, she searched the semi-darkness for the man she’d been wanting to get her hands on for days. He was inside a stall, looking over a horse.

“Hey. Stay calm,” he spoke softly to the horse.

Parker’s breath caught, feeling captivated watching the kindness he gave to the animal. Mutual respect and appreciation were obvious. He gave the horse one last scratch on the head and stepped out of the stall and closed it, but the latch wouldn’t work.

He gave the warped wood a light kick as if testing it for durability.

“Be careful, cowboy. You might kick the whole place down.”

He whirled and when his gaze settled on her an intoxicating smile curved his beautiful lips. She could have floated away if a breeze came along. The man was drop-dead gorgeous and strong to boot. Sweat beaded on her brow and her nipples became turgid bullets pressing against the material of her bra.

Truth be known, she wanted to grab him by the shirt and get busy right there in the secret space of the barn.

For two days, they’d been flirting with one another. Things were heating up between them, but this was the first opportunity she’d had to be alone with him. He’d been working on the farm while she’d been focused on the floral business.

The proverbial rubber band was pulled taut, and she felt every soft hair on her body lift.

“Nah, this place is solid, unlike a few of the other outbuildings on the property. My guys will be knocking them down shortly.”
