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She laughed. “Is it a bad thing?”

“No, it’s a very, very good thing. Just curious.”

She pushed away from the beam and stepped over to press her palms into the center of his chest, looking up at him through a thick veil of eyelashes and a wide smile that wrapped him around her finger. He laid his hand on her hip because he needed contact with her…needed to touch her.

He had no clue what her aim was, but by her expression he felt an explosion was on the horizon.

“I was hot.”

“It’s a bit warm in here. Want to take a walk?”

“No. In fact, I don’t want to think about anything tonight. Not my ex. My job. The farm. Nothing.” She picked the bottle up and drank thirstily.

“Just want to get drunk?”

“Not necessarily but I wouldn’t mind.”

“Well, you will if you take a couple more drinks like that.”

“Are you playing daddy?”

He chuckled. “Literally? Nope. But dirty daddy can be arranged.”

She tucked her bottom lip between her teeth. He wanted to have those teeth biting him.

Should he kiss her? He wanted to kiss her. Yet, he waited for a cue on what she wanted to see happen between them. “Do you want to talk about this plight you’re in?”

A soft laugh fell from her lips and she returned the bottle to the dirt floor. A huff fell off his lips when she shoved him against the wall. She tilted her head, lowering her gaze over him. When she brought her chin back to center her long lashes swept over the tops of her cheeks. “I’m feeling dangerous tonight, cowboy. All I need to know is one thing. Are you in or out?”

My God.I’m a goner.“I’m here for whatever you need.”

“I like that. A lot.” She scooted closer and stood on tiptoe, pressing her mouth against his. She tasted like a cocktail of whiskey and heaven. He wouldn’t deny himself touching her longer. Cupping her cheek, he swirled her around and positioned her against the wall, then himself between her legs. The damp heat seeped through his jeans.

He swept his tongue along the plump curve of her bottom lip and she gave as well as took. She pulled him into her sweet, intoxicating breath and clawed his back through the cotton of his shirt. Their tongues battled and intertwined and she shifted. She gave him a tiny push and he realized what she wanted. He dropped back onto the bale of hay and she straddled him. The tail of the shirt floated up her toned legs to the lace edge of her red panties.

He didn’t dillydally.

He lifted and kissed her, rolling his tongue along the sweet curve of her spectacular lips. Gyrating his hips against her core he liked the way she sucked in a small gasp, like a virgin feeling horny for the first time, but he knew she was far from innocent. She drew him into her seductive web, and he wasn’t mad. Her kisses, her vulnerable whimpers, the way she dug her nails into his skin all made him wild with need.

She took his hand and led it to where their bodies were pressed together. There he found damp heat and soft silk. With a low growl, he slowed the pace. He understood that a ride was meant to be slow and savored. Raven wanted this to last, wanted to bring her pleasure. She wouldn’t make it easy for him though. She rocked her body against his stretched zipper in a way a stripper would dance on a pole. He could have very easily burst the seams of the jeans so his first plan of action was getting them unzipped before he suffered permanent damage.

He felt different with her than anyone ever…he could easily stay here, kissing her, touching her, without going any deeper if that was what she needed. Of course, he wanted to be inside her but he’d take what he could get.

The sun had finally set behind the mountains and the shadows trickled in like ninjas. They made out in the semi-darkness, like high schoolers exploring each other but unsure who would make the first move. They eventually switched spots and she was on bottom. Raven pulled back a few inches to look down at her beauty. Breathtaking. Her eyes drifted closed and her lips parted.

After a few seconds, she flicked her eyes open. A smile tipped the corners of her mouth. “What?”

He felt like he’d been kicked in the chest, and he liked it. He swore a fire was about to consume his body. Let alone, the heat between her thighs could melt an iceberg. He realized they needed to stop or take things to the next level, or there was a chance he’d go in his jeans and embarrass himself.

“Parker.” Her name sat perfectly on his lips. “Are you okay with this?” Not every woman wanted to have sex on a bale of hay in an old, dusty barn. He didn’t want there to be any regrets or wishes that they’d been somewhere else. The most important thing right now was for her to know that he’d wait for a bed if needed. He’d have sex with her on the tip top of Snowbleed Mountain if that was where they were, but he wanted her to know that she was worth a bed.

“I like this. Us,” she said before pulling him back down for another kiss. His thoughts were hijacked when she took his hand and moved it to the apex of her thighs. “Does this feel like someone who isn’t sure?”

A growl fell from his lips. He wasn’t sure if she’d always been this brazen or did the few sips of whiskey tweak some kind of an internal freak button. He wouldn’t complain. With a woman he was usually the dominant one, but he had no problem submitting to anything Parker craved. Loosening the bottom button to the shirt, then a few more, he watched her watching him. Once the last button slipped through the loop, exposing her naked beauty, he swept his hand over her firm breast, testing the pink bud with his thumb.

Her moan traveled from deep within her, awakening mother nature’s symphony outside of the barn walls. Dogs barked at the neighbor’s farm. Crickets buzzed. The air conditioner at the farmhouse hummed. A low thrum of a truck’s engine downshifting came from somewhere in the distance and a pack of coyotes yipped near the woods.

But mostly it was quiet and he felt like they were the only two people in the world.
