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Pressing his palm into each breast, he gently squeezed and caressed the mounds as she arched into him. Her legs widened and the heel of one foot dug into his ass. She like her nipples played with, that much was obvious by her squirming and whimpering. He found them a turn on.

If she liked him touching her breasts with his hand, he bet she’d go wild if he lavished her nipples with his tongue.

He wasted no time in finding out.

And just as he thought, she practically bucked off the hay as she dry humped his crotch.

“Touch me,” she whimpered.

Pulling back a mere inch, he touched her chin with the tip of his thumb. “Tell me where.”

“Here. There. Everywhere.”

She stared up at him, a silent desire burning in the depths of her twinkling eyes when he slid his hand down the slender length of her torso and touched her damp pussy. So wet and hot it made his breath burst from his lungs like a deflating tire.

He swirled the tip of his finger through the junction of her thighs, exploring the most sensitive parts of her.

Then something broke through the foggy corners of his mind. Tires on gravel. That truck engine he heard earlier was closer. Headlights across the quiet space of the barn.

“Shit! Someone’s out there.” There was no freaking way he’d be caught with their pants down again. Scrambling off her, he immediately snapped back to reality. While she hurried to button the shirt and grab her jeans off the hook, he reached in and adjusted his painfully hard cock behind his stretched fly.

He looked at her as she frantically shimmied into her jeans. The tip of her tongue rested on her bottom lip as if she concentrated fully on the task.

“Damn, I’m sorry.”

The squeak of brakes sounded right outside the barn. He reached out, grabbed her hand and they left the barn. The truck idling in the pull off was Bend’s. Raven waved at his brother who slid out.

“You looking for me?” Raven asked.

“Yes. Ma’am.” Bend greeted Parker then looked down at their connected hands, but he didn’t show any surprise. “It looks like we finally caught a break on the bomb suspect.”

“It’s about damn time.”

“You want to come along? I could use a wingman. Dean is out of town for some job interview.”

“You bet.” He looked down at Parker and whispered, “This is getting old.”

“Go. I hope you catch the suspect.”

He released her hand and started to give her a kiss, but he didn’t want to move too fast, too quick. Who the hell was he kidding? If Bend hadn’t interrupted they would have passed all bases in the barn.

Once he and Bend were on the back road heading toward town, Raven said, “Details.” Raven felt a little more like himself after all the blood had rushed to his cock.

“Ophelia Watson called. She stated that when she got home she found her brother, Jamie. He seemed distraught and after asking some questions, he told her he knew something about the bombing.”

“That shy kid? What the hell does he know?”

“From what Ophelia said it’s something. That’s all she would tell me. She asked if I’d come to her house to speak to him.”

Raven rubbed his tight jaw and got a whiff of Parker’s sweet scent. He had a feeling it was going to be a long night.

Chapter Eighteen

Jamie Watson wasn’t the average teen.

Tall, lanky, and very quiet, he sat on the couch in Ophelia’s living room staring down at his clasped hands. He hadn’t spoken a word yet, but Raven could see guilt written on every angle of the kid’s unusually insipid face. He wore a long-sleeved shirt, buttoned at the wrists and high on his neck.

The Watson parents had died in a car accident three years ago and Ophelia and Camp had taken over raising their younger brother. The family had been through a lot.

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