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“Why did Jamie Watson want to meet you here?” When Casp hesitated, Bend said, “Get it through your head. Being honest might save your ass.”

“My girl’s pregnant, dude. I’m going to be a daddy. I needed some quick cash. Jamie had plenty.”

“Go on,” Bend urged.

Raven took a step closer.

Casp’s shoulders slumped. “I’m good at making IEDs. Something I’ve always enjoyed doing. Jamie liked them too. We’d come out here and blow shit up. One day, he said he’d give me a shitload of money if I made an IED for him. Hell, at first, I thought he’d smoked something, but he was for real. I built him what he wanted. Next thing I know, he’s after me again, wanting another. He said he was hanging out at some dead woman’s cabin and he was doing some redesigning.”

“You sold him bombs?” Bend blew out a long breath.

“Here’s where it gets very important.” Raven couldn’t hold his tongue any longer. “You made a bomb that damn near killed our brother so what’s going to truly save your ass is coming clean. Where’s the bomb? Did you bring it with you?”

“Fuck no! I’m only here to get the cash, bruh.”

“Where is the bomb?” Bend said through tight lips.

“I already dropped it off to him. He didn’t have enough cash and said he’d meet me here with the rest. Then you assholes showed up and ruined my night.”

Raven and Bend looked at each other.

“Where did you drop it off?”

“I’ll have to show you.”

Chapter Nineteen

The teen girl with a wide smile brought a delicate China tea pot, a matching cup, and a plate of delicacies to Parker’s table at Candy Bliss. She thanked the server, poured the steaming tea into her cup and brought it to her nose, breathing in the fragrant steam. After taking a couple of sips, she opened the lid to her laptop and reviewed the plan for Bonnie’s Bluebonnets and the donations they’d received from townsfolk.

Hearing laughter outside of the shop, her gaze was drawn to the scene through the window. A mother was bending to tie her toddler’s tennis shoe. The little girl with long blonde hair was weaving her tiny fingers through the air as if she were commanding a band. She turned her cheek, saw Parker, and the child waved. Waving back, Parker felt a wave of…what exactly? Sadness. Envy. Realization maybe?

Planting her hand over her heart, she felt such a strong sensation that took her breath. She wanted a child. Not only a child, but she wanted a family.

The mother and child continued their way on the sidewalk and Parker kept her gaze rooted, seeing nothing outside of her thoughts.

An image of Raven formed in her head.

What was happening?

Had she fallen for him?

She sucked in a breath.

Is this what love feels like?

Her hands shook.

She hadn’t heard from him since Bend picked him up and she missed Raven. Found herself thinking of him often.

Full of restless energy, she’d borrowed Bonnie’s truck to get out of the house and wanted to visit Candy Bliss. She’d been holed up at the farm and was starting to feel trapped. Maybe trapped wasn’t the right word. Overwhelmed was more fitting.


The soft voice brought Parker’s attention to the pretty blonde who was coming her direction.

“Hi.” She searched her mind, wondering if she’d met the woman before.

“We haven’t met.” She held out her slender hand that was adorned with rings. “I’m Farrah.”
