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“I’m afraid that’s it, listeners. We’re at the end of our time. Thank you, Vivien and Gianna for sharing your story here on the one and only, The Toni Todd Show, where we talk about reality in its most raw form. Tune in tomorrow when we speak to a well-renowned gynecologist, Sydney Frank, who dishes on some of the most embarrassing moments in her medical field. You don’t want to miss when she tells us about one patient who lost a toy where the sun doesn’t shine. Until tomorrow, friends. Real people. Real situations. The Toni Todd Show.”

“That’s a wrap,” the producer said behind the window.

The instant the recording light went off, Toni dragged off her headset and stood. “Sally, I need coffee. Where’s my cup? I need it now. My head is pounding. Can’t we ever talk about anything on this show besides cheating motherfuckers and the bitches that love them?”

Gianna numbly ripped off her headset and calmly pushed back the chair, making a quick exit through the door that took her out of the studio and into the carpeted hallway.

“Gianna, wait!” Vivien called out.

Gianna kept walking, stabbing the down button to the elevator. “Come on,” she whispered to the doors as if she could telepathically open them. She pressed the button again.

“Wait. I’m not done talking to you, Gi.” Vivien had caught up, panting like she’d run a marathon.

Apparently fucking Sunny wasn’t keeping her in shape.

“There’s nothing left for either of us to say to the other.” Gianna just wanted to get as far away from the studio, and Vivien, as she could.

“No, we’re not done.” Vivien gave a little stomp of her foot.

Gianna kept her stare straight, balling her hands into tight fists. So, this is who Sunny traded her in for? A simpering bitch?

“Do you hear me?” She tapped Gianna on the shoulder.

The elevator doors finally slid open and Gianna stepped inside the mirrored cubicle. Vivien followed and Gianna thought of a dozen reasons why it wasn’t safe for them to be alone. She’d never been violent, but she felt her reserve slipping. The wordsDon’t sink to the bitch’s levelplayed on a reel inside her head.

“He loves me. Do you hear me, Gi? He couldn’t tell you himself so I had to. I can’t continue this secret affair any longer. It’s unfair to me. He wants to be with me. I love him.”

Something snapped inside Gianna. She turned to the other woman, gritting her teeth. “You couldn’t tell me this in private? You had to tell me on a talk show for everyone to hear?”

“I thought you’d like this considering you spend most of your life in the social eye. Maybe if you’d have spent more time with Sunny than worrying about your followers you wouldn’t have lost him,” Vivien said smugly.

“Too bad he’s a coward and couldn’t tell me himself.” Something lifted inside her, like a bruised cloud moving on. “You can have him. He’s all yours.”

Vivien smirked. “I already know that. I needed to make it clear to everyone else, including you, that Sunny and I are together.” She took a step to face Gianna and pointed a finger in her face. “If I wanted to be mean I could have told the audience that you’re a cold-hearted bitch and Sunny likes someone warm and sweet…”

The doors opened.

Before Gianna could think over her next action, she gave Vivien a slight shove to move her out of the way of the exit. If Gianna didn’t get out of the elevator soon, she might take her heels off and handle the situation differently.

Consumed in getting the hell away, Gianna didn’t see the group of photographers clustered on the sidewalk on the other side of the tall wall of windows until a flash of bright light pulled her from her thoughts.

“Oh my God. Did you see that? She pushed me!” Vivien pressed her hand against her chest and gave a dramatic moan. “You’re lucky I don’t sue you!”

Gianna could only stare blindly as a uniformed security officer rushed up. “This way, Miss Mosley.” He guided her down a back hallway. But it was too late. The damage had already been done. The photos were taken of her shoving Vivien.

The man in the uniform showed off a wide smile. ‘My wife is a huge fan of yours. She listens to your podcast every new episode. You fixed our realtionship. I’m sorry about Banks, ma’am.’

She looked up into his kind eyes and felt her emotions slipping. ‘Thank you.’

He showed her to a door, peered out to make sure the coast was clear, and she stepped into the bright sunlight that stung her eyes.

“Gi, wait up!”

Gianna didn’t look, determined to get to her car before she lost it. She practically jogged in her three-inch stilettos and was within five feet when she realized two things. One, she’d forgotten her purse, and her keys, in the green room. Two, it was her friend who was chasing her.

“You know I don’t run,” Mallory said between pants, bending over and holding her side. “You left this.” Mallory finally recovered and handed over the purse. “I’m so sorry, honey. I was listening backstage. Are you okay? Shit, that’s a silly question.”

“I-I’m okay.” But she wasn’t. Not even close.
