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“Where does it hurt?”

“Everywhere,” Cordelia moaned. “When someone touches me, it feels like I’m burning from the inside out.”


“That didn’t happen to you? From the pollen?” Cordelia asked, a sinking feeling hitting her right in the gut.Of coursethis would be some rare, freaky side effect that just happened to her!

But how could she get it to stop?

Delilah’s eyes widened with panic as Komel screamed, the sound terrifying.

“Okay, okay,” Delilah murmured in a tight voice, her eyes roaming Cordelia’s form, lips pursed with worry. “Why is Ezul attacking that man?”

“He tried to rape me,” Cordelia said calmly despite her fingers trembling as she grabbed at her ripped gown. Saying the words triggered a flood of emotions and she began shaking, unable to stop as tears threatened to spill free.

Holy shit, Komel had almost raped her. He’d–

Whatever strength Cordelia had drawn from the adrenaline faded in an instant and she slumped over, eyes locking on Ezul’s back. Just seeing him helped ground her, and she took a shuddering breath.

She wasn’t sure if he’d grown, but he seemed larger, and so much more furious as his mist ripped off Komel’s hands in one furious motion.

Luminous yellow blood splattered across the room, landing on walls, the floor, even a few people nearby. Ezul continued to tear the male apart with a savagery she’d never seen before, the sound of wet tearing and screams rattling in her ears.

Cordelia looked away, bile rising in her throat.

“Rapeyou?! Oh my God!“ Delilah’s hands hovered over Cordelia, wanting to comfort her but not knowing how. “That’s what Ezul sensed–that you were in danger.”

“What do you mean?” Cordelia asked quietly.

Delilah shook her head, eyes wide in disbelief as she exclaimed, “He just stood up and turned into this crazy shadow guy and then he fucking dissolved, Cordelia! Just, poof! Became this mist monster, and then he was gone.”

Cordelia looked at Delilah like she was crazy.


And how was Delilah ignoring the fact that Ezul had just ripped off Komel’s appendages like it was the easiest thing in the world? Once there were no more limbs, Ezul dropped the other male to the ground, where he landed with a squishy thud that turned her stomach.

“His mist was in here with me,” Cordelia whispered in answer. Apparently they were just going to disregard the severed hands and arms strewn across the floor, or the bright yellow blood coating nearly everything now. “Maybe he can communicate with it and it told him Komel was in here.”

Delilah nodded as if it made perfect sense. “I’m just glad he’s kicking that dickhead’s ass,” she said vehemently, glaring daggers at Komel’s crumbled form.

Cordelia couldn’t help but agree, even though the thought made her both sick and satisfied at the same time.

Guards, who’d previously been standing around staring in open horror, now pointed weapons at Ezul, instruments that looked more like batons than guns. Without any warning, quarter-sized, black metal orbs shot from the tip of each weapon and sailed right toward her mist monster.

Cordelia shouted a warning. Or tried to, but it came out more as a choked gasp; her throat felt like she was sucking in shards of glass.

Ezul snatched Komel back up, using his body as a shield. As soon as the metal hit her assailant, his whimpers died. Or he did; she wasn’t quite sure.

Ezul roared again, tossing the male at a set of guards as if he weighed nothing at all. The group of men scattered, some taking the brunt impact of the body and falling back into a bloody heap on the ground while others ran from the room with startled yells. The fleeing men knocked down a few harem women loitering in the doorway, who were watching this scene unfold with horrified fascination.

“Tell them you’re his mate,” Delilah hissed from beside her. Cordelia jerked her head back, vision wavering from the sudden movement.

“What?” she rasped. They weren’t mated. Didn’t they need a bite for that?

“He might not get into more trouble if you claim your mate was protecting you. Do it now,” Delilah hissed frantically.

More trouble? What had happened to Ezul?
