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“He’s my mate,” Cordelia attempted to shout, but it came out as more of a wheeze. She coughed painfully in an attempt to clear her throat.

Guards began circling Ezul, who stood proudly in the center of the room, his shadowy mist and lightning hovering around him. He was ready to face whatever punishment awaited him now that Komel was out of the way, but he didn’t deserve to be attacked for protecting her. He’d saved her, and now she needed to save him!

Sahin moved from the two women and toward his brother’s side when more guards filtered into the room. His tendrils vibrated menacingly, reminding Cordelia of a snake about to strike its prey.

Screams erupted in the main harem section as even more guards pushed into the room, no doubt terrifying the women who’d been expecting a day full of pleasure, not a dismembering.

“He’s my mate,” Cordelia wheezed again, her words barely audible over the turmoil and panic in the building.

Cordelia caught sight of Komel’s right hand nearby, fingers twitching on the ground near a pool of blood, and she gagged, nearly vomiting all over her gown.

“Oh, for crying out loud!” Delilah cleared her throat as guards readied their weapons at Ezul once more. “He was protecting his mate! They’re mated!” she screamed.

The guards stilled, some looking warily at one another as Ezul finally turned toward Cordelia, taking four large steps before he was at her side. Sahin pulled Delilah out of the way quickly as Ezul’s form began to waver, changing before Cordelia’s very eyes until the Aragnokan she’d come to think of as her own was kneeling next to her.

She should have been terrified. She’d just witnessed Ezul torturing and ripping apart another man, but she only felt relief. More tears pooled in her eyes when his gaze caught hers, his body heat slowly seeping into her, comforting her.

Cordelia reached out for Ezul, a small whimper leaving her throat when he collected her into his arms. His hands ran along the bare flesh of her back, soothing the stinging pain that had been destroying her body. His touch was like slathering aloe vera over a sunburn while simultaneously warming her chilled body.

She slumped in his hold, a soft sob escaping her quivering lips. She was finally safe. Tears began running down her face unchecked, and she couldn’t help the small tremor that ran through her as everything sank in.

Ezul had come for her, risking punishment just to keep her from harm. Cordelia didn’t think a man had ever protected her from any kind of danger before, but Ezul had rushed over here, apparently putting himself on the chopping block for her.

Ezul pulled back, his glowing white eyes taking in her haggard appearance before he pulled her close, nuzzling her cheek with his. He inhaled, breathing in her scent and purring.

Weakly, she wrapped her hands around his neck, hugging him to her while she shook. His purring soothed her nerves until she relaxed against him, more tired than she remembered ever being.

“Your skin is too cold, Runa,” he murmured softly, running his hands along her back once more.

Dark mist slid from Ezul’s hands, slipping over her skin. Warmth radiated from it, heating her chilled body while also giving her some semblance of modesty against her sheer, ripped dress.

“How can you do that? Why is it warm now?” she croaked, leaning back to look at him in confusion.

His eyes narrowed, fingers gently brushing against her sore throat before he stood, cradling her protectively in his arms. She barely paid attention to the room as it swam across her vision, just happy that Ezul was here now, holding her close.

Delilah and Sahin followed them to the door that was blocked by what Cordelia assumed was at least a dozen guards, all with their weapons trained on them.

“Move aside. My mate requires a healer,” Ezul growled. Cordelia’s heart fluttered at the title, even though she still wasn’t quite sure what the hell was going on. They weren’t mated...

“You are in violation of your probation,” one guard stated, gulping audibly. She’d probably react the same way if she was in his shoes. Ezul was a force to be reckoned with.

“It is only if my Runa did not claim me as her mate that my presence was barred from here. A claim you were meant to confirm swiftly. Had you done your job, she wouldn’t have been harmed, andthiswouldn’t have been required. You heard clearly that she confirmed our mating only moments ago.”

The guard looked toward her, and she nodded weakly, the room spinning around her as she clung to Ezul. The guard hesitated before shrugging a shoulder, urging the remaining men to stand aside.

Once the path was clear, Ezul took hurried steps away from the harem quarters, Sahin and Delilah trailing behind. She felt his pace quicken as her hands slipped from his body. She was simply too out of it to hold on to anything, shutting her eyes to block out the spinning scenery, which was doing nothing for her nausea.

A few minutes must have passed before she was placed on a soft bed, Ezul palming the back of her head until she was sprawled out. He slid a sheet over her body, tucking her in gently until she was adequately covered.

The room he’d taken her to smelled clean, like someone had sanitized every inch around them. Cordelia’s nose wrinkled at the strong scent, her eyes fluttering open.

The walls were a muted gray, the furniture was black, and the bed she was prone on was large and comfortable. She recognized her surroundings immediately.

They were in the infirmary. Ezul’s presence kept trepidation from sinking in, and her usual hate for medical facilities took a backseat to the ache that was slowly beginning to emerge once more. It wasn’t as bad as before though, not in the slightest, reminding her more of the pained arousal she’d experienced in the cave.

Cordelia could safely say she’d prefer being too horny as opposed to the blistering agony from before.

Ezul nodded toward Sahin before he slid onto the bed with her. He was close enough to kiss her, which he did. The kiss was soothing and quick, meant to be given in reassurance, and Cordelia nearly cried, grateful Ezul was with her.
