Page 9 of Forever Together

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Theo chuckled and held her out. “Don’t think I don’t appreciate the sacrifice you two made letting me horde her.”

Plucking her up, she began to cuddle into Turney’s arms, purring loudly as he ran his fingers through her fur.

“No, no, she really likes you.” And she did like Theo. He could tell she was still happy and having fun. Though there was no denying that the kitten was also aware that Theo needed her more right now than Octavius and Turney did. She always seemed to understand more than the average cat—probably her fae blood’s doing.

“You are looking good, Theo,” he said with a smile as his gaze swept the wolf’s form. “There are seats to your left, by the way.”

Theo was looking stronger, less haggard, less worn down, which was a relief to see.

“Thanks, I’m working on it…and thanks for the heads up. So, this party is going to be something, isn’t it?” Theo asked as he reached down and felt for the seat before sitting down.

Turney sat down next to him. “Knowing Octavius as I do…it’s going to be insane.” He snorted. “And saying that may even be an understatement. Halloween is apparently Octavius’ favorite holiday.”

“I mean, I have seen the decorations…” Theo grimaced and admitted, “And I've run into a few of them.”

Turney signed. “I’m sorry. You are still getting used to a new environment, and Octavius definitely isn’t helping by changing your surroundings so much.”

“Well, Octavius has helped a lot. Even if he keeps messing with my spatial understanding of his home. It is partly my fault.”

“Theo, I really don’t think you can be blamed for a crazy bat putting shit in your path.”

The wolf chuckled and held up his hand. “Let me explain. Octavius purposely left the path from my room to the kitchen, and to the various areas I visit most frequently, void of anything that would impede my path. I, however, in the last week, started to wander around…in ways I usually don’t. So, he has been very considerate of my usual lack of sight, I just switched things up on him. But, no worries, I’ve learned to turn my vision on while I'm wandering now.”

It was good to know Octavius hadn’t cluttered Theo’s pathways on purpose. Then again, as excited as Octavius was, Turney would have a hard time believing the vampire would forget about Theo’s needs. Octavius wanted Theo to be comfortable, and to be well taken care of. Causing him to trip over Halloween decorations would be the opposite of caring. While Theo could see if he wanted to, from what he gathered, the werewolf was most comfortable staying just as he was meant to be.

“I’m glad I bumped into you. Though now that I say that, I would have met up with you at lunch anyway.” The male shook his head with a smile. “Well, as I have you here now, I want to tell you that I accept the job offer.”

“That’s great, Theo! I’ll let Octavius know. Unless you would like to tell him?”

“No, you can tell him.”

Turney had been almost shocked by how easily Octavius had agreed to the suggestion. Of course, Scarlett had spouted off on how it would be good for Theo. How he’d benefit from a new job and a new environment. While that hadn’t been a lie…it wasn’t the real reason they had wanted to hire Theo.

Turney almost felt bad about tricking Octavius—almost. The real reason they wanted Theo working there was to control Octavius’ insane spending habits. At least, the spending when it came to the business. Not to mention stopping him from randomly agreeing to work in exchange for things. Octavius was free to spend his money on things he wanted, as long as he wasn’t trying to pass it off as a business expense. Not that any of the spending would put a dent in Octavius’ fortune, but still…

The plan had formed when Cormac told them his brother was a stickler when it came to reigning in expenses.

“Just know that you can start whenever you are ready. It doesn’t have to be right away.”

“I can start as soon as you want me to.” Theo frowned and slowly said, “Though, I do have a favor I want to ask you two…or really, everyone in the agency. I wanted to talk to you about it first, to gauge if it would be okay for me to ask the others to help me with this task.”

Turney frowned. “I’m sure whatever it is, we wouldn’t mind helping, Theo.”

“My house… I want to sell it and auction off the stuff inside. Cormac will of course need to gather pictures, and perhaps some mementos he wishes to keep before that. I was wondering if Octavius knew of anyone who could handle the sale and the auction. Things would need to be gone through, and a list made… I can’t go back myself to do it. This is something I’m talking about for later, of course. After the party. I’m sure it would be too much to do now with everything going on.”

He smiled gently at the male, his heart breaking just a bit for the wolf. “Whatever you need, Theo. I’m sure Octavius, or even Scarlett, knows someone who can get it done. And believe me, everyone will be more than willing to help, no problem at all.”

Theo smiled. “Thank you.”

“Ah, good. You three are here!” a man cried out.

Turney faced the voice and eyed the male who looked like the cartoon version of Gomez, but somehow even shorter. The guy, like the receptionist, was also a vampire.

“I’m Jack. I’ll be helping you with your fitting today! And I am in charge of making sure your costumes fit perfectly on Halloween.” He held out his hands to them, showing three blindfolds—one very small. “Put on these blindfolds and I’ll guide you back.”

He stared at the blindfolds silently for a moment. Sprinkle's purring stopped as he felt her lean forward in his arms.

“You can’t be serious,” Turney rasped.
