Page 44 of Satan's Priest

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“I’m sure you know, since Lucien filled me in on the situation.” His eyes never left me. They dropped down my body, and I clung to the sheets like my life depended on it. I wasn’t naked, as much as I wanted to sleep in the nude last night. Instead, I wore a loose-fitting Satan’s Priest T-shirt. I’d sworn I wouldn’t support that band again, but something compelled me to wear it. Maybe because it was a comfortable shirt. Yeah . . . it was because of that.

My cheeks heated with a blush, and I squeezed the sheet in my fist. “You’re Daiman?”

“Good girl. So you remember.”

I squeezed my thighs together to stop the pulsing in my clit.Good girlhad never sounded as good as it did just then.

Daiman pushed away from the door and dropped his hands to his sides. He swiped off some invisible lint from his shoulder as he strolled across the room and approached the side of my bed.

“We’ll get to know each other very well while I teach you the dos and don’ts of being a demon. If you’re a good girl, then Lucifer won’t have to step in.” What the heck did he mean by that?

I scrunched my eyebrows together, letting his words sink in.

“Demons are real,” I whispered. I didn’t direct it at him, but I had to say it aloud to fully understand and come to terms with it. Despite attending a catholic school and having faith in God, I never understood or accepted the existence of evil entities like demons.

I swallowed hard.

I was a demon. How could that happen when I was a human before I was murdered?

“Of course we’re real.” Daiman scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest. He rolled the toothpick between his blunt teeth, his gaze sweeping over me like he was undressing me with his eyes. “I would think you, of all people, would know that, given that you believe in God.” He spat outGodas though it was poison on his tongue.

“And I’m . . .” I couldn’t finish the statement.

“A succubus,” he finished for me. “There are different types of demons. I’ll teach you everything you need to know about us. But first, you must feed.”

My eyes widened as he pulled his jacket behind him and slipped his arms out of it. He threw it onto the mattress and began undoing his pants.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” I said as I scooted back and jumped off the other side of the bed. Daiman paused, arching a dark eyebrow at me. I held up my hands in a time-out gesture. “First, I’m not hungry. Second, my parents are here and could hear us.” If they hadn’t already. Christy was too nosy for her own good. She also liked to get me into trouble by telling on me. My stupid sister was sixteen years old but acted like she was five.

Feeding from Daiman didn’t sit right with me either, but I wasn’t about to tell him that. The whole situation of me being a creature from Hell didn’t help. I’d been raised to believe in God, which was good and holy. Yeah, I had premarital sex, but that didn’t mean I wanted to be something so . . .evil. I was too scared of being cast into Hell after I died, so I constantly prayed over the little things I did, asking for forgiveness.

Layla’s vacant eyes popped into my mind, and the ghost of her taste coated my tongue. My stomach knotted, and my head spun as I felt the beginning of a panic attack.

“I have a ward around your room so others can’t hear us talking.” His eyes flashed with hunger. “Or fucking. You’re a new succubus who’s been feeding from human men, but you need an incubus to give you what you need.” Daiman returned to his pants and pulled down the zipper. He removed his black shirt and threw it onto the bed to join his jacket.

He was an incubus?

My eyes widened as I looked over his nude tattooed chest and the ink covering his Adonis belt. Holy shit, he was sexy.

Wait. No. I couldn’t have these thoughts about someone who wasn’t my boyfriend, dammit.

I frantically shook my head and backed a step away from the bed between us. Daiman raised an eyebrow, leaned forward, placed his palms on the mattress, and watched me through his long black lashes.

“I can’t,” I whispered.

“You can’t? Or you won’t?”

I swallowed. “Both.”

Daiman rolled the toothpick between his teeth, still watching me with a harsh expression. “You can’t run away from this forever, little succubus.”

I winced at his choice of words. “I’m not a succubus.”

We both knew I was lying when I said that, but denial looked good on me, and I was already comfy with it.

He gave me an are-you-kidding look. “Then enlighten me, little succubus. What are you?”

I tightened my hold around my middle and shivered.
