Page 45 of Satan's Priest

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When I didn’t say anything, he let out a sarcastic laugh. “Exactly. No human fucks men to death. The sooner you realize what you are, the better.” He looked around the room like he was seeing it for the first time, then brought his gaze back to me. “If you don’t want to feed right now, that’s fine. But you’ll need to eventually, and I’ll be the one you come running to. Until then, I’ll teach you everything you need to know.”



For the love of all that was unholy, I was about to bust in my pants right here while I stared at Grace wearing nothing but my band T-shirt. She didn’t seem to remember me from the short time we spent taking photos together.

I licked my teeth, imagining what she tasted like. She hadn’t showered when she got home last evening because I could smell her cum clinging to the inside of her thighs. I’d smelled it last night as I went outside and found Lucien talking to Grace.

I zipped my pants and buttoned them. As I did so, Grace looked down at my hands, and her face flushed with desire. I smirked while grabbing my shirt and threading my arms through the sleeves.

“I suggest you shower and get dressed in something else before my thin control snaps and I fuck you anyway.”

Grace inhaled sharply and took a step back. The scent of arousal wafted through the air, and I drew it into my lungs.

Interesting. She liked the idea of being fucked against her will?

“O-okay,” she said.

I worked my jaw, watching her as she gathered clothes and left the room.

“Fuck,” I whispered and dropped my chin to my chest.

I couldn’t believe I agreed to this. At first, I thought Lucien would be the one to feed Grace. That didn’t cause me as much jealousy as the thought of another demon touching her.

An image of Grace with her ankles by her ears as Lucien fucked her popped into my mind. Blood rushed to my cock, making my already hard member harder. I would have joined my friend, dropped her over the edge of the bed and forced my dick down her throat while choking her with my hand.

I got up from the bed, sat on a tiny chair in front of her vanity, and wished the girl would return so I could fulfill every fantasy I had about her. The door opened ten minutes later, and the succubus walked in, wearing a fuzzy white sweater and black leggings that fit her like a glove.

“That’s not any better,” I rasped.

Grace huffed and closed the door behind her. “I don’t care.”

I rolled the toothpick in my mouth and looked at her face with an arched brow. “You’ll care when I have you pinned beneath me on your bed.” I dropped my gaze to her legs and stared at her pelvis. “Those tight little leggings will be nothing but shredded fabric when I’m done with you.”

I imagined using them as bindings around her wrists to keep her arms behind her back. I’d keep her legs squeezed together while I pounded into her from behind so she could feel every inch of my cock.

As if she could hear where my thoughts were, she clenched her thighs together and sucked in a breath. “Tell me about demons,” she said, changing the subject.

I smirked and leaned against the vanity’s table, my elbows resting on the wooden surface. Grace moved across the room and settled on her bed, legs crossed.

“Do you know what incubus and succubus demons are?” I asked, feeling out the best place to start.

She shrugged a shoulder and picked at her nails. “I know a little bit. The church I go to once talked about sex demons and how they disguise themselves as something enthralling.”

“Anything else?” I pressed.

She shook her head. “Just that demons are evil and will do anything to lure you away from God so they can take your soul to Hell.”

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. “Of course they told you that.”

Grace bit her bottom lip, and I watched as she picked at the skin between her teeth. I wanted to pull her lip out and stop her from doing it. But most of all, I wanted to be the one to bite her lip.

“Are you going to tell me?” Grace asked, drawing me away from my fantasy.

“Most demons aren’t out to get your soul.” I shook my head and rolled the toothpick. “An incubus demon is a male who preys on women, pushing his essence into them so he can derive comfort. A succubus demon is a female who preys on men and sucks their energy out of them. Sometimes incubus and succubus demons use each other because they can get what they need without killing the other. When it comes to humans, you have to be careful or else you could kill them.”

Grace leaned forward, soaking up all this knowledge like she was a sponge. I knew it was a lot and, at times, hard for human minds to understand the logistics of demons.
