Page 11 of Carrying Your Lies

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He runs his hands down his suit as if brushing away imaginary dust. “Come and work for me.” His offer comes out as a demand. “That way, I can keep an eye on you,” he adds under his breath.

Shooting him an incredulous look, I say, “You can’t just offer me a job when I have no qualifications in your field.”

“Do you know how to check emails, take calls and have basic PA skills?”

I shake my head. “It would be unethical and a conflict if I was your PA. Plus, you already have one.”

He raises his eyebrow at me with a smirk. “Quite right, and I happen to like Francesca.” He chuckles. “I wasn’t talking about me, Miss Hayes. My COO needs some admin support, so I was suggesting working for him.”


His eyes are alight with amusement. “Yes,oh. The job is yours if you want it. It wouldn’t be tied to the surrogacy contract at all. Once the baby has been delivered, your job will still be there. It pays well and is suitable for a pregnant woman. The choice is yours.”

Part of my brain argues this is a bad idea. It would intertwine our lives too much, and he would be there to watch my every move. But the other part argues that he runs the top security company in this country, maybe even the world, so he could be watching me all the time anyway. He managed to track me down tonight. This is more money and could be long-term. Plus, I won’t be working directly with him. Xavier would just be a colleague…who is also my boss and whose baby I would be carrying.

Thinking solely about the money, I nod. “Okay. Yeah, I’ll take you up on the offer. When do I start?”

“Do you own appropriate office wear?”

“Yes,” I lie.

“You start tomorrow. 8,“ he narrows his eyes. “Ray does not tolerate tardiness.”

I smile. “I guess you have something in common.”

He doesn’t return the smile, but his face contorts into concern. He hesitates for a moment before ripping the band-aid off. “We need to discuss your living arrangements.”

I cross my arms over my chest and say, “I’m not moving. End of discussion.”

“Three men were arguing right outside your door when I got there,” he points out. “It’s not safe.”

I roll my eyes. “I’m a big girl, Mr Rivers. I can handle myself.”

“I have a guest house on my property. It is separate from my residence. It even has its own private entrance straight from the street. The option to move in during the pregnancy is always there for you.” He gives me a soft smile. “I know I would feel more reassured having you there.”

I eye him suspiciously. “I’m beginning to think you’re a control freak, Mr Rivers.”

There is a ghost of a smile on his lips. “You’d enjoy being under my control.”

Was that a dirty joke?

I slowly walk towards him. “I’d like to see you out of control. What does that look like?”

For the first time tonight, his eyes linger on my cleavage, which is bulging out. They roam down my body before coming up to my face again. “You wouldn’t want to know.” He grabs his wallet from his suit jacket and takes a handful of notes. “I’m a married man, Miss Hayes.” He shoves the notes into my bra with the others. “This was your last dance.” Before I can retaliate, he bids me goodbye. He stands by the door and watches me. “Consider my offer.”

“My territory,” I remind him. “You might have won on the job front, but you lose when it comes to where I live.”

He slightly nods his head and straightens his suit jacket. Before he walks off, he pins me down with a stare. “It would be good for you to remember, I don’t tolerate eye-rolling, Miss Hayes. Should you direct another one of those at me, I shall have to show youexactlyhow I exercise my control.”


IfeeloverdressedwhenI look at Francesca in her blouse, trousers and flats. Her natural dark brown curls hang free. Her face isn’t painted like mine. Instead, her round cheeks have a natural flush to them.

My heels, blouse, matching pencil skirt and blazer feel excessive. My long hair is pulled into a sleek bun. I have to smile at her when I realise I have been staring at her for three minutes straight.

“Mr Rivers will be with you soon,” she reassures me.

If I could have avoided him today, I would have. I have convinced myself I was high on a drug calledXavier Rivers. I felt mortified at my actions once I came down from the high. At least Mia got a good laugh out of it – but she isn’t the one being called into his office right now.
