Page 12 of Carrying Your Lies

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My heels are loud against the tiled floors. To no surprise, his office is large and surrounded by glass. His desk is centred against the back wall. I was expecting more personality from the CEO, but it is clinically clean. There are no pictures on his desk. The surface only has a computer, laptop, and a stack of paperwork. A rectangular white ceramic coffee table separates the two small white couches.

I awkwardly stand in the middle of the room until he gestures to the opposite seat. I feel protected having his large desk between us. I take a moment to collect myself and find the courage to look at him. Plastering on a confident smile, I say, “Good morning, Xavier.”

There is a slight smile on his face. “Good morning. How are you feeling today?”

“Better than yesterday.” I square my shoulders. “When do I get to meet your COO?”

“He will be here soon. First, you need to sign your contract.” He passes it over the desk, and I shudder when his fingers brush mine. “Let me know if there is anything you’d like to discuss.”

I read through it as thoroughly as possible with him only a few feet away. He doesn’t pay me any attention as he works on his laptop. My jaw drops at my salary, which is enough to earn my signature.

Just as I hand it back to him, there is a knock at the door. Xavier shouts for them to enter, and when he does, my eyes widen in awe.

The six-foot-three muscular man carries the entire room as he approaches us. His long dark hair is pulled into a man-bun, extenuating his sharp features. His beard is thicker and scruffier than Xavier’s, but it suits him. Not many men can pull off the look, but on him, it looks heavenly. A pair of hazel-coloured eyes land on me, and I see the surprise in them. His eyes run down the length of my body before studying my face. He doesn’t give me a peek into his thoughts as he maintains a poker face.

I might not be able to sleep with Xavier, but nothing is stopping me from stripping this perfect specimen of his suit and showing him a good time.

“You alright, Zav?” His baritone voice gives me the chills. He pulls out the chair next to mine but doesn’t give me a second glance.

Xavier nods at him. “Very well. Did you sort the car business?”

“Fucking bastards just about got it done.”

“About time.” He looks back at me. “Ray, this is Miss Hayes. Your new personal assistant. Try not to scare this one off.”

Ray looks at me as if he sees me for the first time again. He nods at me and offers a handshake. “Huxley Ray – but everybody calls me Ray.”

I place my hands in his and squirm at how tight his grip is. “Savannah Hayes. What would you like me to call you? Ray? Huxley? Mr Ray?” I flutter my eyelashes at him.

He raises his eyebrow at me as his eyes dart to our boss. The corner of his lips raises a little, but it is barely noticeable. “Whatever you feel comfortable with.”

A dirty joke rests on my tongue, but I swallow it, remembering this is a professional place. “Huxley it is.”

He turns to Xavier, who watches us with caution. “Should I be worried?”

It peeves me that he is talking about me as if I am not sitting in the same room. “I can answer for myself,” I snap.

Xavier hides his smile with his hand. “Miss Hayes will do her best to support you.”

“If you saypleaseandthank you,” I say with a sarcastic smile to Huxley.

He snorts in my direction. “Noon. In my office. You can compile a list of my expectations.” He nods at Xavier and exits without saying another word to me.

I stare at my new boss in disbelief. “What an arrogant prick. I amnotworking with him.”

Xavier leans back in his seat. “Yes, you are. Ray is tough, but it’s because he takes his job seriously. Nothing comes before this job – it’s why I have never seen him date or sleep around in the thirteen years I have known the man. He will work you hard and has high expectations.”

“If he talks to me like that again, I might have to kill him.”

“No trouble,” Xavier warns. “This is a workplace. I expect you to be on your best behaviour, Savannah. Aside from our agreement out of this office, I operate with strict rules and regulations in my workplace. I run a tight ship and don’t tolerate or excuse poor behaviour and attitude. You are an employee here. I extended the courtesy of offering you a job without going through rigid interviews and training, but I will fire you if you don’t take this seriously.”

This is a different side to him. His business means a lot to him, and asweirdas our relationship has been so far, I want to retain this job.

I give him a sincere smile. “You have my word. I’m not taking this for granted. I’m going to work hard. What would you like me to do until he comes back?”

“Francesca has cleared her morning to give you a tour of the building.” He opens a folder and reads for a few seconds before peering over it. “You’re dismissed, Miss Hayes.”

Francesca is friendly throughout the thorough tour. She tells me she has worked for Xavier for roughly three years but couldn’t tell me three facts about him. But she doesn’t mind the impersonal relationship because he treats her respectfully and compassionately.

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