Page 110 of Carrying Your Lies

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I start the car. “We both need time and space away from the house and work. Everywhere is a reminder of the wrongs we have done. Maybe today can be the start of something new. The fresh start we owe to ourselves.”

Savannah analyses my face before nodding and settling back into her seat.

The drive was excruciatingly slow, but I didn’t mind because the car was filled with the warmth and scent of Savannah. Her eyes closed shut an hour in. She looked at peace in her sleep as the crease between her brows fell away.

Her youthful excitement is back as we walk on the beach in search of ice cream. “There! Let’s go!” She takes my hand in hers as she runs towards the truck. The sun brings out the caramel tones of her skin. Her hair flies behind her. Happiness looks perfect on her.

“Slow down!” I warn.

But her long legs have a mind of their own as she races to the truck. She only slows down when she sees the long queue. Her hand goes to her chest as she wheezes.

“Pregnancy and running are not a good match,” she laughs.

I chuckle at her struggle. “Pregnancy looks radiant on you.Youare radiant.”

The compliment goes over her head as she debates what ice cream she wants. “I think I want them all,” she concludes. She looks down the long length of the queue and pouts. “My ankles are aching.”

She won’t be able to stand for this long. I walk to the front of the queue, and she follows me curiously. I beckon the attention of the owner. “How much money do you make on a day like this?”

The man looks confused, so I repeat myself. He shrugs. “About two grand.”

I take out my wallet and hand him my card. “I’ll pay five if you close your truck and let us occupy it.”

The man looks befuddled at my offer. “You want to sit in my truck?”

I nod. “And eat as much ice cream as we want.”

Savannah’s hand wraps around my bicep. “Xavier! What the hell? We can line up like everyone else.”

“You’re not everyone else,” I answer. I look back at the man. “Five grand. Deal?”

Knowing it’s a great offer, he agrees and announces his truck is shut, earning disgruntled groans from potential customers. He lets us into his vehicle before leaving us alone.

I gesture to the van. “What can I get you first?”

She pretends to think about it. “Single wafer cone with all the sauces andtwoflakes.”

“Coming right up.”

She parks herself on one of the counters as I try to swirl the perfect peak onto her cone. I lather the top with the three available sauces before sticking two flakes in and handing it to her. She gracefully thanks me and digs in as I begin making my own. Once I have one, I sit on the counter opposite hers.

“We must look like fools. Me and my massive bump and you in your suit, eating ice cream like children.”

I chuckle at the truth in the statement. My black suit looks fit for business, but not an ice cream one. Savannah looks like she got dressed to come to the beach. The thick straps on her white dress allow her arms to catch some sunlight. The bottom of the dress flows just above her knees. Her bump sits snug beneath the fabric. I love it when she lets her hair loose instead of twisting it into a bun. It frames her face perfectly, like a gold frame does a world-famous painting. Nothing in the world is as beautiful as Savannah; nothing on this earth and nothing no otherworldly God can offer. Savannah is the definition of heaven and pleasure.

“Thank you,” she mutters. I look up at her as she continues. “For today. For the past few weeks. Your patience. Everything.”


She stops me. “Let me finish. I’m sorry for all the things I accused you of. I know you’re not a murderer, but it felt easy to pass the blame to someone else. When you can’t make sense of something, you think of the first thing that makes sense, no matter how illogical. It wasn’t fair of me to say such horrid things, especially after Emery. I’m sorry.”

Discarding my ice cream, I walk over until I stand between her legs. “I get it. You haven’t had many people to trust, but you can trust me. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you.”

Her sad smile dissipates as a teasing one takes its place. “Like pay a ridiculous fee to have ice cream?”

I tuck her hair behind her ear. “Yes. Anything for you.”

Her tongue peaks out to gather the ice cream that is melting. She doesn’t look away from my gaze as she engages in the sensual act. “What was your favourite flavour growing up?”
