Page 117 of Carrying Your Lies

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Savannah tucks into her food the moment it’s placed in front of her. I enjoy watching her do simple things like eat. It reminds me that she is human – attainable.

“You don’t drink much,” she states.

Those who regularly get drunk are imbeciles. Why intoxicate yourself to the point of no self-control?

“Not really. I don’t care for alcohol.”

The few times I did get drunk, it made me paranoid. I was worried I would blurt out the truth about my mother. I saw how loose-lipped people became when drunk. Drunk words are sober thoughts, as they say.

“The second I give birth, I’m going to neck an entire bottle of vodka.”

The dreamy look in her eyes brings a laugh to my lips. “Very well. I’ll be sure to keep one on hand.”

The apprehension on her face makes me worry about what she’s about to say. “I don’t think I’m going to return to XR Securities after having the baby. Things with Hux… I think it would be best for everyone.”

Everyone except me. Having her in the office means I can keep track of her – who she speaks to, what she eats, and where she goes. Having her somewhere else would risk her meeting someone new.I can’t have that.

“Maybe you don’t have to work at all? I can take care of you and your mother. You don’t need to worry about money.”

She scoffs. “I don’t think so. I don’t need or want you totake careof me. I promised my mother to never let a man be the reason I have things in life.”

I bought you a fucking car that you gladly accepted. You live in my house rent-free. You got a job because of me.

“I respect that. Can’t you and Ray put your differences aside?”

“You’ve never had to deal with an ex, have you?”

Her assumption couldn’t be more wrong. Both women were difficult to control. I took my father’s advice and found a girl who was broken, unwanted and young. We were two seventeen-year-olds who thought we were owed more than what life gave.

Sara came from a family more broken than mine: a drug-addict mother and abusive father. I took her under my wing and tried to help her. But she was an adulterous bitch who lied to my face. She was fucking three of us at the same time. Her death was purely accidental. Like my mother, she tried to deny her infidelity, but I saw through her lies. I tried to knock her unconscious but used too much force, and she dropped at my feet.

My father was disappointed that I lost control again. As we discarded her body, he lectured me about the many ways to control a woman. He said it was my responsibility to clean up the mess. Elijah Rivers was a man of his word, so he carefully watched to see what I had learnt from the incident with my mother. He only had to intervene twice, but I did him proud. Sara becamethreebeautiful diamonds – one to represent the three men she played. I laid her to rest on a beautiful gold chain.

Her disappearance was easily explained. Her family didn’t care much, and she was eighteen at the time of her sudden death. The police dismissed it as an adult running away from an abusive home. The same can’t be said for Caitlyn.

Caitlyn was beautiful. She was loyal. She was good. But I ignored my father’s advice to find an unwanted woman. Her family were the issue. They were too involved in our life. They were the reason she wouldn’t move in with me because it was too fast, according to them. We were twenty and almost graduates. They put bullshit into her head, and she started to turn on me. She hated that I called her a few times a day. She learned to hate me turning up to her apartment when she wouldn’t answer. She didn’t like that I saw her friends as a bad influence.

I admired Caitlyn. Even at nineteen, she had big dreams and ambitions. She wanted everything life had to offer. She used that as an excuse to escape me. She wanted to move across the world without me. I couldn’t have that. XR Securities wasn’t at the level it is today. I wouldn’t have been able to protect her from here. My father would have been alone had I moved. So, I had to keep her here with me and in a state where she couldn’t try to leave me again.

Her death was slow and intimate. My hands gripped her neck, and I squeezed until her body gave in. I was ashamed of the hard-on I had, but I didn’t fuck her. I’m not a necrophile – that’s fucked. My dad made me do it all alone this time, and I succeeded. Caitlyn rests with Sara as a pair of beautiful studs.

Her family accused me of murder, but I denied it. I was a twenty-three-year-old who had a bright future ahead of him. Who was listening to their accusations? Regardless, I created a social media account that I still regularly update. It isn’t enough for her family, but I’ve built my company walls high enough that I’m protected.

That is why it was important for Emery to bethe one. I couldn’t have another woman in my life disappear. I married her and settled into a mundane life.

But as I look into Savannah’s golden eyes and flushed cheeks, I know life with her won’t be mundane. It’s going to be everything my dad wanted for me. Savannah is tied to me forever.

“I had amicable breakups with past relationships,” I answer.

“Lucky you. Dealing with an ex is the worst.” She rests her elbows on the table. “Out of curiosity, what makes someone break up with you?”

I chew on my food and frown at her thinking I was the problem. “Iended things.”


I want to tell her to drop it, but it will only make her think I have something to hide. “Caitlyn wanted to move abroad for her career, and I didn’t want to hold her back. It was what she needed. Sara was cheating on me. She begged my forgiveness, but I couldn’t look past it.”

She nibbles on her bottom lip. “Can you look past it with me? I mean… technically, I cheated on you with Hux.”
