Page 119 of Carrying Your Lies

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She glances in my direction. “He can stay.”

The nurse helps untie her gown until her breasts are exposed. I watch in awe of Savannah as she carefully follows instructions. It takes ten minutes before the baby latches on and Savannah winces.

“A little discomfort is normal.”

Savannah smiles at her. “She’s looking at me.”

There is a grace about Savannah that I’ve never seen before. Her hair is pulled into a topknot. She looks exhausted. Her hospital gown is ugly and unflattering, but she still looks perfect.She is perfect.

I watch as our baby pulls on her nipple with content. There is nothing erotic about the view. It’s oddly serene. It’s the image of a dream I didn’t think I cared about. But now it’s all I want for the rest of my life. Me and my perfect girls. The baby may be half of Emery, but she will grow to be like Savannah.

“Do we have any names yet?”

I open my mouth to say no, but Savannah cuts in. “Emery always said this baby was God’s promise to her after all she had been through. The happily ever after that was owed to her. Elise means God’s promise in Latin.” She looks up at me. When she speaks, there is no room for negotiation. “She deserves to know who her mother really is. She won’t be tangled in a web of lies. She will be protected at all costs, and only a mother can do that, no matter how powerful her father is.”

Her gaze drops to the baby. For a few moments, Savannah disappears from the real world. Whatever thoughts swarm her mind brings a fresh wave of tears down her cheeks. Her lips pull together. Her whisper is faint, but I can’t miss it.

I’m sorry.

When she looks at me again, her tears are blinked away. Like a lioness protecting her cub, she dares me to threaten her deadly stare. Her shoulders are braced backwards, and her head held high. When she speaks, it’s with strong conviction.

“She deserves to carry parts of Emery with her.Elise. Her name is Elise Emery Rivers.”


Islowlypushthedoor open and peer into the dimly lit room. Savannah sits on the rocking chair with her eyes closed as Elise rests on her chest. They look peaceful, and I don’t want to interrupt.

“Is everything okay?” she whispers before I can escape.

Entering the room, I nod. “Yeah. I was making sure you two were okay.”

“What time is it?”

“Seven. Have you spent the night here?”

She groans lightly. “Yeah. Ellie wouldn’t settle.”

I’m glad the original nickname ofEmmyhas disappeared. I don’t want to associate my daughter with Emery – her middle name is enough of a reminder.

“Why didn’t you take her into your room?”

“I still haven’t unpacked.”

I know this. It’s been bothering me. I thought she would have unpacked before Elise was born, but she didn’t do anything. Whenever she needed something, she would rummage through the boxes. It makes me wonder if she plans on staying. What would be the point in unpacking if she planned to leave after the birth? Neither of us have mentioned it yet. We’ve enjoyed the first ten days of parenthood.

Well, Savannah has. I’ve tried to help, but she’s a natural. She doesn’t leave anything for me to do. Even when she chooses to bottle feed her pumped milk, she curls up with Elise and does it herself. I think she enjoys it, and that works for me.

While I adore the tiny human, I don’t know what to do with her. When she is in my arms, I realise how easy it is to hurt her. I would never harm a baby, but everything is a potential hazard to them. Savannah has developed a bond with Elise, and I’m hoping it’s what convinces her to stay.

“You’ve spent two nights like this. You need to rest too.” I grab the bassinet and carry it to my room. I place it next to the bed and call Savannah. “There. Now sleep.”

She eyes the bed with suspicion. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

It’s hard to conceal my grin at the direction of her thoughts. “You just gave birth. I have no intentions to bed you, Miss Hayes. You can sleep here with the baby, and I’ll temporarily relocate to a different room.”

She visibly relaxes. “Thank you.” She puts Elise into her bassinet before climbing into the bed. Her hair splays across the pillow, and within a few minutes, her breathing evens, and she falls asleep.

Ray walks into my office with a relaxed demeanour. He offers a handshake before he sits down. “Congratulations on fatherhood.”
