Page 5 of Carrying Your Lies

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“No,” I splutter out.

He makes a note of my answer. “Okay. Do you have any STDs that could affect your or the baby’s health during pregnancy?”

“No!” I answer too harshly.

Xavier sits up taller and clears his throat. “Savannah, this is normal questioning. I am by no means placing prejudicial assumptions on you. There are factors we must consider first and foremost. If you are uncomfortable, we can end this meeting now.”

I know he is right. I need to get over the unjustified embarrassment I feel. I match him by sitting taller. “No, let’s continue. What else would you like to know?”

“What are your current living arrangements? Are they suitable for a pregnant woman?”

My flat is small, but it’s not likeIhave to make room for a baby – it will be inside me. I suppress the queasiness that comes with the thought. It isn’t in the safest parts of London, but nothing has ever happened to me.

When I tell Xavier this, he has concern etched onto his face but doesn’t say anything else. We discuss my personal health, lifestyle, and current commitments. Emery sits back and observes the interrogation, only asking one or two questions herself. She seems to trust that her husband is asking the right questions. When he is satisfied with my answers, he leans back into his seat and shares a look with his wife. She smiles at him.

“Okay. That is all we need to know right now. Your turn, what would you like to know?”

I watch as she runs her hand along the length of his arm. He doesn’t return the affection, but his arm relaxes under her touch.

“How long have you known each other?”

They smile at one another, and he nods at her to answer. “Five years. It was a whirlwind romance and wedding, but sometimes you just know.” She stares up at her husband, and the adoration is clear. “He is more than I could have asked for. Now we just need to start our family.”

Their smiles turn sad at the mention of something that hasn’t been easy.

“Would this baby be biologically yours? What are we talking about here?”

Xavier takes over from his wife and answers. “No biological ties to you. I have some leaflets that can better advise you. I can arrange a meeting with a specialist to go through every step in detail with you.”

I can’t hide my relief that the baby won’t biologically be mine. I don’t know if I could ever be that selfless.

“What do you do? What exactly is this?” I ask, gesturing to the fancy building.

His face has a proud look as he talks about his company. “XR Securities started when I was twenty-one years old. I started by helping small companies protect their online databases and presence. As the years went on, the company grew, and we now cover PI work, online safety, physical security, surveillance, and background checks.”

I’m impressed at how much he has achieved. I finally gave in and threw his name intoGooglebefore this meeting to get a glimpse of his wife, but there wasnothing. There was little on the CEO himself, which isn’t surprising as he can control the internet. In nine years, he has built a multi-billion-pound business that started from his bedroom. He is the definition of a self-made man.

“So, you’re a glorified stalker?” I joke.

His laugh is a deep rumble, and I fight off the shudder that overcomes me. “I guess you could say that.”

Swallowing the wave of attraction, I turn to Emery. “How about you?”

“I’ve spent my whole life preparing to be a mother. I want to dedicate my life to raising my children.” She looks overcome with emotions as she thanks me. “I don’t want to jinx it, but I feel great about this.”

“Slow down. She hasn’t agreed to anything yet.” He tilts his head and studies me. “What do you want to do next?”

Do I walk out of here or choose to do this? There is no right answer. If I were a good person, I’d do this to make their dreams come true. But the only reason I would put myself through this is the financial freedom that comes after it. It’s one year, at the most. It might be painful and exhausting, but I would be debt-free. I could start saving money to put towards my future. Maybe buy a house and put down some roots.

“Please send over the contract.”

Emery squeals in joy. She practically runs over to me and squeezes me too tight. Xavier also has a smile on his face.

Okay, maybe helping them is also part of it.

“I’ll send the contract to your home.”

I thank them for their time and exit the conference room. Xavier walks a few steps behind me to the elevator. He presses the button before I can, and we wait in silence.
