Page 6 of Carrying Your Lies

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I step into the lift, but I realise something just before the doors close. I hold the doors open and give him a confused stare. “How do you know where I live?”

There is a knowing look in his eyes and an amused smirk on his lips. He gestures to his surroundings. “Did you think you were the only one that did some research before this meeting? Don’t believe everything you read onGoogle.”

Holy shit.

“Have a good day, Savannah.”


Ipushthecontractaway from me and take a deep breath. The agreement only confirms what Xavier already told me, but this makes it feelreal. As I continue reading, I realise I never thought about multiple births or forming an emotional attachment. What happens if I end up loving all seven babies squished inside me?

My phone lights up with another voicemail from Elliot. I ignore it and go back to reading. I skim through the legal terminology before focusing on the expectations and restrictions. I put a tick next to the ban on alcohol, drugs and other harmful substances. The requirement to follow a strict, healthy and appropriate diet is also reasonable. The next one, preventing me from having sex, isnot.

That is a ridiculous rule. Pregnant people can have sex. That is oneyearof being a desert. I have barely made it through the last four months, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t screw the first decent man that came along; I just haven’t found one yet. I make a note to bring it up with Xavier when I meet with him tomorrow.

I’m reading the section onresidencewhen there is a pounding at my door.

“Sav? Are you in there?”

I hide the contract in my bedside drawer before letting him in. “What do you want, Elliot?”

“Fuck! You could have answered my calls! I was worried you got hurt.”

My eyebrows pull together. “What are you talking about?”

“Your street was closed off. There was a stabbing outside your building.”

I peer out of my window at the empty street below. An apartment on the eleventh floor means I can see far out; there is nothing to note. “What are you talking about?”

“Jimmy got stabbed.”

I shrug my shoulders. “I guess Cam and his boys finally got tired of waiting for their money. They were screaming at each other a few nights ago.”

Elliot stalks over to me and takes my face in his hands. His brown eyes look lighter as the sunlight shines directly into them. “I was so fucking worried when you didn’t answer my calls.”

“I’m a big woman, Elliot. I can take care of myself, and even if I can’t, we broke up,” I remind him.

Over the past four months, I have repeatedly reminded Elliot of this. It’s come to a point where the words come out with annoyance. When I decided to leave the five-year relationship, it wasn’t easy because it meant I was all alone again. But it was drowning me, and not just financially.

“That doesn’t mean I don’t care about you,” he murmurs against my lips. “I miss you, Sav. I’m sorry.”

I turn my head away from him. “Too late. Unless you have my money, please leave.”

His thumb softly brushes my cheeks before sliding down my neck. He doesn’t break our stare as his hands continue their journey over my breasts and down my torso. The thin T-shirt doesn’t stop me from being affected by his touch.

After five years, he knows exactly where to touch me.

My breath hitches when he strokes my inner thigh before slipping into my panties.

Usually, I would push him off, but this might be my last chance of getting laid, seeing as I might be signing that contract tomorrow. I might as well have one last huzzah before the drought begins again.

Arrogance is laced through his smile as he watches my head fall against the window, and I let out a breathy moan. His expert fingers slide in and out, and his thumb brushes over my clit. His movements are slow and agonising as he brings me close to the edge. I hold onto his biceps as I tiptoe on the edge, but he removes his fingers just before I can fall.

I stare at him wide-eyed while he looks back at me with a grin.

He unbuckles his trousers and presses my back against the window. I rest one foot on the chair a few steps away. With an open welcome, he pushes my panties to the side and fills me, rewarding me with a deep moan.

The window takes a beating as Elliot pounds me into it. His thrusts are merciless as he gives me what I want and takes what he wants. My nails scrape against the rose tattoo I used to love so much.

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