Page 61 of Carrying Your Lies

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“Happy Valentine’s Day.” He tries to hand me the flowers while I’m driving. When I don’t move to claim them, he places them on his lap. “You look good.”

The first trimester is finally coming to an end. The morning sickness is fading out, but in return, the itchy nipples and insatiable sex drive have entered. If I was attracted to Huxley before, the past week, my sex drive has been on steroids.

“How the fuck did you find where I live?”

That should have been thefirstquestion out of my mouth.

When I glance at him from the corner of my eye, he has a sheepish look, warning me his answer will piss me off even further.

“I followed you home the other day.”

The driver behind me beeps his horn at my sudden braking. It takes me five seconds to pull myself together and stop being a hazard on the road.

“What the fuck? Are you kidding me?”

“I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

“By being a creepy stalker?” My screech is too loud for this car, but anger and a sense of violation consume me.

“I worry about you. Mia said she barely ever sees you anymore.”

“I text Mia every other day. I can’t see her because I’m busy working.” I remind myself that I don’t need to explain anything to him. “Why won’t you leave me alone?”

“You’re a lot of things, but naïve is not one of them,” he snaps. “Open your fucking eyes, Sav! This rich CEO turns up at your workplace every day for months and suddenly asks you to be his surrogate? What are the chances of that?”

“Highly likely, seeing as his office is a two-minute walk from the coffee shop.”

His disappointed stare pierces through my skin. “Did you ever wonder whyyou? People go through an agency.”

I wait until I stop at a red light to answer him. “He did go through an agency and couldn’t find a suitable person. We were friends, and he threw me a lifeline that also benefitted him.”

“I’m sure he’s reaping the benefits,” he mutters.

I huff in annoyance at his jealousy but don’t dignify him with a response.

Because you know he’s right?

“Are you in love with him? It’s the only explanation for your ignorance.”

My outburst of laughter startles him, which only makes me laugh harder. “No, I’m not in love with Xavier.”

There is no denying the mutual attraction between us, butlove? No. Xavier might be the only person who makes me feel seen. He might be the only person who asks me how I am and cares about the answer. Maybe sometimes I find an excuse to stop by his office or head into the house just to see him. He might be the only person who gives Huxley a run for his money for how much time they spend in my head. … Butlove? No.

“The drugs are making you paranoid.”

He clicks his tongue and shakes his head. “Look at you with the clothes he bought, driving the car he bought, going to work in the building he owns. It’s pathetic you can’t see him trying to control your life. We both know nothing comes for free. You need to ask which part of yourself you’ll have to sell to pay him what you owe.”

With those harsh words hanging in the air, he exits my car before I enter the car park. An unsettling feeling comes down on me as I head into the office. It’s hard to know if it is from Elliot’s words or the slow realisation that Xavier consumes as much of me as Huxley does.

I force the thoughts out of my head. “Good morning, sunshine!” I say with fake enthusiasm.

“You’re late.”

I roll my eyes. “Barely.” I settle into my desk and check my emails. When I see the agenda for the board meeting, I peer across at Huxley. “Do I really have to attend the board meeting again? It’s so boring.”

“You’re there to take notes for me.”

“Why can’t you do that yourself?”
