Page 67 of Carrying Your Lies

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No.I can’t go there. He is still married. Huxley’s rejection doesn’t change that.

“Care to join me for a dance?” he asks when he reappears.

I place my hand in his. “It would be my pleasure, Mr Rivers.”

“You look beautiful tonight,” he compliments when we reach the dance floor.

Huxley didn’t call me beautiful.

“Thank you. You look very dashing. Are you sure you can handle dancing with me? The last time got a bit out of hand.”

Why am I reminding him of the lap dance I gave him almost a year ago? If I close my eyes, I can remember the leather from the sofa sticking to me as he pressed me into it. His soft threat of having me at his mercy liquefy my insides.

“You’re in my territory tonight, Miss Hayes,” he says, repeating the words I used that night. “Let’s see if you can show the same restraint I did. To make it fair, I evened the playing field.”

As the orchestra comes to life, I furrow my eyebrows, confused at what he means. The violins play a familiar tune, but I can’t place my finger on it.

Xavier watches me as if there is no one here but us. He holds me close, uncaring of the speculative eyes watching a married man dance intimately with a woman who is not his wife.

As the chorus plays, my mouth drops open in surprise. “This isthatsong!“ I loudly whisper.

“Yes. The very one that made me want to take you in my arms and have you all to myself. Do you have any idea how hard it was to stop myself?”

“Was it my ass or boobs?” I joke.

“Your confidence. Your reassurance in yourself. You were a goddess, and I was at your mercy. I’ve been yours since I laid my eyes on you.”

My heart beats in sync with the music - slow and leading up to something bigger.

Xavier is a beautiful dancer. He is controlled and perfectly tuned with every stroke of the instruments. He expertly guides us all over the dance floor, capturing the guests’ attention. It’s just the two of us and the music playing – wholly lost in the feelings we have buried deep inside us.

His hands leave a burn everywhere he touches me. The pull between us is electric every time our bodies graze. He spins me away from him and back so quickly as if he can’t bear to be away from me.

When the song ends, I am breathless. Not only from the dance but the adrenaline of feeling so wanted. Xavier’s chest heaves up and down as we stare at one another. I want to grab and kiss him until I run out of oxygen. But I can’t.

I hurriedly exit the room, up the stairs and into one of the powder rooms. Only in a place as fancy as this would they have a room with a large mirror and built-in vanity table so women can fix their makeup. I lean against the door and catch my breath.

I can’t do this. I can’t be a homewrecker, even if the home is already wrecked. This is wrong. I am carrying their child. I can’t.I won’t.

Whatever I’m feeling is exacerbated by Huxley’s rejection. I close my eyes and push tonight out of my mind. I need to go home and forget all about it.

The door hits me as someone opens it. I back away to the other side of the small space. We stare at one another, trying to fight what we know is a line we can’t cross.

“Leave,” I order, but my voice betrays me. It comes out weak and pathetic. “You’re married.”

He steps into the room and shuts the door. “Fuck it.” He locks the door. “You are worth every sin.” He takes three long strides until he is standing in front of me. “Let me burn in hell if it means getting to experience heaven in your arms.”

The world as I know it dissipates into nothing I know. All I know is Xavier’s lips are on mine. They move with speed and passion I have never had the pleasure of experiencing. His hands roam over my body as he gives into his temptation. They skim over my arms, down my torso before settling on my ass. He pushes me against the wall and pulls away, only to layer my neck with kisses.

My hands push off his jacket and feel his biceps through his shirt. I try to unbuckle his pants, but he pulls away from me. I think clarity washes over him for a moment, but the hunger in his eyes tells me another story.

“That dress has been driving me wild all fucking night. You’ve been teasing me.” His finger strokes the very top of my thighs where the slit begins. “If you moved ever so slightly, the world would have seen it all.”

I ask the same question I did to Huxley. “What would you have done if they did?”

“Built the technology to wipe their memory. I would have fucking killed them all because,” his fingers slip into my thong and spread me open, “this is all mine now.” He eases one finger in. “It’s only for me,” he whispers against my lips.

He adds another digit and moans when I clench around them. His movements are a stark difference from the kiss. This is slow and torturous.
