Page 8 of Carrying Your Lies

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“As many times as it takes. I want this for my wife. I want a family with her. If you are willing, I will keep trying until I succeed.”

There is a conviction in his voice that makes me slightly envious.

“You seem like the type of man that always succeeds.”

He smiles but doesn’t comment on it. “If this process becomes too much for you, we will compensate you for your time. What is next?”

We spend the next hour going through the rest of my points, and I am somewhat successful by the end. Xavier is a good businessman – never fully meeting my demands but giving me enough to keep me at the table.

“The amended contract will be with you by the end of play tomorrow. Please sign and return to this office. Understood?”

“Yes, sir,” I joke.

“Before you leave, I have a few questions. What is your notice period for the club?”

I shrug. “Don’t think there is one. Why?”

“A clause forbidding you from dancing will be added. With all this money, there is no need to continue doing something you hate. This salary should be enough to pay your debts.”

The wordforbiddingpricks at my skin and irks me in a way I can’t explain. I have wanted to quit since the first day, but his tone pushes me to defend it. “What’s the problem with dancing? It’s a good form of exercise.”

Xavier either doesn’t notice I’m annoyed or ignores it. “I don’t trust the customers.”

My scoff slips out before I can stop it. “You think I can’t handle myself against the rich assholes who wouldn’t risk getting their suit dirty to throw a punch?Please.”

He looks amused. “Is that how you see usrich assholes?”

I eye his tailor-made suit and crisp white shirt. His type usually pays money for a private dance – many of them also sporting a wedding band.

“I don’t know. Would you pay to have me on your lap?”

I regret the words dripping in a teasing tone the moment they come out. My attraction to Xavier is abundantly clear, but that is more of a reason to keep this as professional as possible.

His eyes don’t leave my face. He pulls his bottom lip into his mouth as he dwells on whatever thoughts consume him. “I’ve never been a man that’s had to pay for a woman’s attention.”

The confidence he exudes is sexy. I can only imagine all the women that have thrown themselves at him.

“You’re having to pay for mine,” I remind him, pointing at the contract.

“And the last four months?” He leans in closer. “Have I not had your attention, Miss Hayes?”

Is he flirting with me?

I will never admit he has intrigued me since our first interaction.

“No,” I lie.

“Very well.” He puts his pen down and focuses all his attention on me. The playful glint in his eye disappears as if the encounter never happened. “What incident occurred at your building yesterday?”

I go to askhowhe knows but then remind myself I’m sitting in a building full of spies. “Some guy got stabbed for not returning money,” I answer.

His eyebrows pull together in concern. “You have a flippant attitude towards knife crime. Is this something I should be concerned about?”

I can’t help but roll my eyes. “No. It’s normal where I live. Nothing will happen to me.”

There is a stern look on his face as he says, “Please do not roll your eyes at me, Miss Hayes.”

I fight the urge to laugh at his authoritative tone. Something tells me I’d get a telling-off for that as well. “Sorry, force of habit.”

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