Page 7 of Carrying Your Lies

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“Have you missed being fucked?”

My hand covers his mouth to silence him. I don’t want to talk.I want to get fucked.

He bites the middle of my palm and chuckles when I jerk it away. “You’re so sexy,” he moans.

I close my eyes and focus on the movement of his hips thrusting. As I come undone around him, he pulls out and releases himself onto my t-shirt. Our breaths mix as we try to catch it.

“I miss this,” he whispers.

His sad words wash reality back over me, and I push him away. “You can leave now.”

He looks disheartened at my dismissal. “This can’t be all we are. How did we end up as a quick fuck and go?”

I raise my eyebrow at his stupid question. “You rinsed all my savings and money and left me in a shit tonne of debt. You put gambling over me, and refused to get help when I begged. This wasn’t a case of growing apart.” I open the front door for him. “And this isn’t a quick fuck and go. It was amistakeand won’t be happening again. Next time I don’t answer, it’s because I don’t want to talk to you. Take the hint.”

Elliot steps towards me. “We had a plan.”

I step away. “You fucked it up.”

“We can still do it. You and me in Bali. A small hut selling cocktails and ice cream. Nothing but the sun, sand and water.”

His soft tone lights the few embers that remain from our relationship. We were young and in love. Two twenty-year-olds who wanted the world. Dreams of living on an island and spending our days on the beach. But it was only ever a dream because dreams like that don’t come true for people like me – unfortunate and unlucky.

I shake my head. “This is the real world, and it’s time for you to accept we’re done.”

We stare at each other for a few seconds. Elliot’s eyes fill with water, but he leaves before they tip over the edge.

I feel guilty about using him for sex, but it’s a minor offence after all he put me through. I shake my head and get into the shower, ready to scrub all traces of him off me.

“Savannah, welcome back,” Xavier greets me as I enter the conference room. Today, it’s just the two of us. His suit jacket is draped across his chair at the head of the table. Every strand of his hair and beard is perfectly placed.

“Good morning.” I sit a few seats away from him. “I’ve managed to get through the whole contract, but I have some notes.”

He has a proud smile on his face. “I would be disappointed if you didn’t. Would you like any refreshments, or are you ready to begin?”

I smooth out the invisible creases on my skirt. “I am ready.” I take out my annotated contract and handwritten notes. If I am going to get my way, I need to be as professional as him. I clear my throat. “Everything before page four I am happy with. The details are correct, and I am in agreement with the recommendations. If you could divert your attention to clause G,titled sexual activity.”

I don’t look up at him as he turns through the pages. The room is silent as he reads over the clause in question. “What amendments are you recommending, Miss Hayes?”

I don’t think about how sexy it is that he addressed me with a title. Instead, I lean back into my seat and shoot him a questioning look. “Don’t you think this clause is a little extreme? Many pregnant women have had sex before me.”

“Not when pregnant withmybaby. I stand by this clause. In fact, Iinsiston it.”

“Mr Rivers, I believe it to be unnecessary. Having sex won’t hurt your baby. If I’m advised by medical professionals to stop having sex due to potential risk to pregnancy and baby, I, of course, will adhere to it.”

He spins his pen a few times as he considers my counteroffer. “You would still be at risk of contracting an STD.”

I can’t help the snort that emits from me. “Clearly, you’ve never heard of a condom.”

To my surprise, he looks amused at my comment. “Rough sex can be an issue.” He tilts his head and looks directly at me. “Are you into rough sex?”

If there is one thing I learn from this meeting, it will be thatonelook can make me feel lustful. The way he holds my gaze while asking such an intrusive, intimate question makes me feel weak and grateful that I am sat down so he can’t see me clenching my thighs.

“If the right man comes along,” I answer coyly.

He raises his brow at me before looking back at the contract. “That clause remains the same for the time being,” he decides. “What is next on your list?”

I suddenly wish I had asked for a glass of water. Clearing my throat, I continue. “How many times are we going to try?”
