Page 90 of Carrying Your Lies

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I shake my head. “I’ve forgiven him too many times. I’m getting out of here no matter the consequences.”

She nods before standing up. “Be careful what you wish for.” She unlocks the door but hesitates before opening it. She stares at me for a few moments before speaking. “Shall I offer you the advice I wish someone had given me?”

I look up at her. “What’s that?”

Her eyes look lifeless, and her lips settle into a straight line. “Run while you can.”


Ithrowmyphoneonto my bed when Elliot’s voicemail plays again. I sigh at the empty room and rub my belly. Why did I accept his offer? No amount of money is worth this nightmare.

You did this to yourself, my conscience reminds me.

She’s right. I knew getting involved with Xavier was a bad idea. I knew nothing good could have come from it. Last night was proof of that. His words echo in my head. I cover my ears, hoping it would cut off the ongoing loop.

I’m done. I’m packing my shit up and getting the hell out of this crazy house. I wonder what happened after I snuck out. Did he continue to beg for her forgiveness? Did she forgive him? Did he kiss her? Did she fall into his arms?

I shake my head. It’s not my problem. All I need to do is find out what happens from here. How do I deliver this baby without having him in my life?

The tiny diamond feels heavy on my chest after last night’s events. I want to yank it off my neck and toss it at him.Fuck him and his stupid diamonds.

Climbing out of bed, I work my way through my list of chores. By the time I have finished mopping, sweat coats my forehead.I should leave the mess for him to clean.

Think of the devil, and he shall appear. Xavier lets himself into my home and watches me with amusement. I almost reach forward and slap the smile off his face. Instead, I put away my cleaning supplies and head into my bedroom to pack.

Xavier casually crosses his arms and leans against the frame. “I think this is the first time I’ve seen you clean,” he jokes.

I don’t pay him any attention. I straighten my sheets and fluff the pillows.


He thinks he can walk in here and continue as if nothing happened. I would laugh at his audacity if I wasn’t so pissed off.

“Fuck off, Xavier.” I peer up at him to see the confusion on his face.

“I know last night was tough, but it’s been handled.”

There’s that fucking word again;handled. What does that mean? Lying through his teeth? Disrespecting me?

“Good for you. If you’d please excuse me, I have somewhere to be.” That’s a lie, but I don’t want to be anywhere near him.

He reaches out to touch me, but I skim away. He’s a fantastic liar because his hurt expression looks believable.Or maybe I’m just a naïve fool.

“Why are you angry at me? What did I do?”

He doesn’t know I heard every derogatory thing he said about me. I thought Emery would have laughed in his face at playing him, but I guess not.

He blocks the doorway when I try to leave. “I handled Emery. We’re back on track.”

The daggers I’m shooting at him aren’t enough to satisfy my rage. My arm swings forward until a loudslapresonates in the space. My palm stings from the assault. As he turns his face, an imprint of my hand mars it. His face is a picture of rage. His lips snarl, and his eyes narrow into slits. He opens his mouth, but I cut him off.

“It was a mistake, right? You were desperate, and I was easy? It meant nothing. You’re going to run me out of the city?” I look at him in disgust. “Let me save you the trouble.I’m leaving. Seeing as you have a working key, lock the door on your way out.“ I shake his hold off me when he grabs my arm.

“Savannah!” he shouts after me. “Savannah!”

“Fuck off!” I don’t know where I’m going, but I need to escape him. I will either cry, which I refuse to do in front of him, or kill him.

“Don’t you dare walk away from me! Savannah!” His footsteps are heavy as he runs after me. “Come back here! Savannah!”
