Page 46 of Cruising for You

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“I kind of suspect that if you can’t manage them with someone as nice as Jenna, you’re sunk.”

I snorted. “You’re probably right. Terrible deal for Jenna though.”

“You’re not all bad,” Nicole teased.

“In about five minutes, we’ll depart the theater,” our excursion leader announced.

I sat back in my chair. Whatever my future held, I wanted Jenna in it. I wasn’t sure what it would take to convince her to keep dating me after the cruise, but I was prepared to do anything, even if it affected my work.

Wait. Was I?

Yes, I realized, surprised by the destination of my thoughts. I’d found a person that made me want to demote my work in priority, an eventuality so unexpected the only rational response was to do whatever it took to make sure Jenna would stick around.

As I mulled over this revelation, a sense of clarity washed over me. For so long, work had been the driving force in my life, occupying the top spot on my list of priorities. But now, with Jenna by my side, I found myself yearning for something more—a deeper connection. If I had any chance of convincing her, I’d have to open up even more than I had last night. I needed to prove to her just how important she was to me. It wouldn’t be easy, as vulnerability had never been my strong suit, but the thought of losing her was far more daunting.

Reunited after he returned from the excursion, Adam and I waited at the mini-golf area for Nicole and Grandma. They’d gone back to their cabin after lunch so that Grandma could change into shoes more appropriate for the intense sport of putt-putt golfing.

“Your grandma is adorable,” I told Adam. “I can see why you tried to make this trip special for her.”

Adam had his elbows on the railing of a deck overlooking the water, but he turned to face me, the intensity of his look sending a thrill all the way down to my toes. “I wasn’t much looking forward to this cruise, but now I wish it would never end.”

“Because of your grandma?” I asked, knowing that wasn’t the only reason.

He leaned toward me. “Because of you.”

I stood on tiptoes to join him, just as satisfied with his kissing skills as I’d been the night before.

The budding relationship with Adam felt like discovering a Florida Ghost philodendron in the clearance section at a big box hardware store—unexpected, rare, and lovely. I knew what he meant about never wanting the cruise to end. If we could just stay on this ship, where I didn’t have to worry about the consequences if our relationship went south, I’d be perfectly happy.

Pulling away, Adam kissed the top of my head, and I caught his long intake of breath. “Still enjoying the smell of my hair, huh?”

“It’s like a vacation all on its own,” Adam whispered. “Who needs to visit paradise?”

“That’s pretty romantic from a guy who doesn’t believe in love,” I teased.

Adam’s entire body froze. “I-I...” he stammered. Judging by the panic in his voice, I might as well have swiped a morbillivirus sample from his lab, popped it into an aerosol container and sprayed it right in his face.

I cringed, mentally kicking myself for saying the “L” word when I knew he wasn’t comfortable with it. But it was as good a reminder as any that I had another reason to hesitate about jumping into dating Adam.

“Hey fam!” Nicole called.

I turned my gaze to the new arrivals. Grandma was wearing white orthopedic sneakers that added three inches to her height.

“Look who we found!” she announced, gesturing to Beverly.

Beverly waved cheerfully. “Should we get drinks?” She didn’t explain where Frank was, and nobody asked.

Nicole made a face, clearly recalling how obnoxious Beverly had been the night before at Grandma’s birthday. “Can’t you at least wait until dinner?”

“Oh, Nicole, loosen up!” Beverly nudged her daughter in the side, and Nicole glared back. “Honestly, you’re such a stick in the mud.”

“We need all our faculties for golf,” Adam interjected.

“Oh, true.” Beverly considered the small, nine-hole course. “I guess the ocean swell will make it hard enough. Well, come on!”

Nicole and Adam exchanged a look over Grandma’s head while Beverly made her way to the putter station.

Nicole pointed at Adam. “She listens to you.”

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