Page 15 of Monster Mishap

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The pleasure builds and builds and builds until I’m wound so tight I feel like I might break. “Oh, fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I’m squealing and making sounds that should be embarrassing but his ministrations never slow until I shatter, and the world falls apart around me. I expect him to stop, but he doesn’t. He doesn’t let up. He doesn’t let me go until my toes curl and the next wave of pleasure is the strongest orgasm I’ve ever had. Pleasure. Heat. Pure fucking goodness detonates inside of me. Screaming, I squirt all over him as wave after wave of ecstasy rolls over me until I’m nothing but a limp mess of delirium.

It takes me a while to recover, but Orcus is too busy licking me clean to care. My fingers are still clutching at his hair, my knuckles nearly white. I release him, hoping I didn’t hurt the ogre, but when he takes me off his tusks and pulls back to give me that devilish, self-satisfied smirk that zings straight to my clit, I stop worrying.

He wiggles his fingers inside of me, triggering an aftershock. I release a soft moan and arch my back.

With a dark chuckle, he slowly slides them out centimeter by centimeter, watching as my nostrils flare. I clench my walls, trying to keep those fingers for myself. What does he need them for anyway?

As soon as they’re out of my cunt, he slides them into his mouth and sucks them clean, holding my gaze as if he wants me to know how much he enjoys the way I taste. His warm pleasure unfurls inside my chest. Fuck, that shouldn’t be hot. His tusks are gleaming, my cum coating them like oil, and I bite my lip, wondering if it would be weird to lick them clean. He narrows his eyes and releases his fingers, placing both of his hands on my legs and leaning toward me.

“What are you thinking?”

He was literally buried in your coochie like an ogre ready to suffocate his way to death. What was it he said? Don’t be shy now.

“Your tusks,” I begin, then decide it’s better to show him what I’m thinking rather than stumbling through the words. I grasp his jaw and draw his face toward mine. Starting with the left tusk, I dash my tongue over the cum-coated ivory.

I pause and look at him, making sure it’s okay. His lips are slightly parted and his eyebrows are raised, but he doesn’t seem mad. There’s nothing in the bond telling me to stop. Taking that as an invitation to continue, I run my tongue over every inch, being mindful of the tip and the jewelry, and lick it clean before moving to the other one. Orcus’ fingers flex on my leg but other than that, he’s frozen. When I’m finished, I pull back. Heat crawls up my neck.

“Thank you for the orgasms,” I say with a bashful grin.

“You’re welcome.” A soft sweep of comfort fills me, and he studies my face. “You’re not hurt?”

I laugh. “Hardly. That was… that was probably the best fingering I’ve ever had.”

“It didn’t hurt?”

“Nope.” There was that millisecond of burning but that’s hardly what I’d call pain. A yawn hits me out of nowhere, and I stretch as my muscles melt.

Orcus stands and carries me to the bed. I would protest, but I’m spent and being in his arms feels so right. That’s probably the bond. It definitely has nothing to do with his tongue. I’m still not planning on staying even if those orgasms will live rent free in my head, even if hearing him call me little flower makes my chest clench in a way that isn’t natural. That name feels like a claiming.

The part of me that’s only ever wished to belong begs me to stay.

But this isn’t my home.

And as my eyes grow heavy and a pang of residual pleasure sweeps through me, I can’t help but wonder if perhaps I could find a way to make myself at home.

* * *

My throat islike sandpaper when I wake. I sit up with a soft grunt and scrub my hands over my face. Orcus is standing in what appears to be the kitchen. There are no appliances, but he’s chopping something with a giant knife and there’s a big stone pot placed on a grate over the fire. A loud gurgle comes from my stomach, my body suddenly remembering that we very much like food.

“Do you have water?” My voice is dry and rasping, rough enough to make me want to hide under the blankets in embarrassment.

Orcus points to the side and I follow the gesture. A stoneware pitcher and some cups sit on farther down the counter. I slide off the bed. The wrap around my ankle helps stabilize it but there’s a dull throb of pain when I put weight on it. I wince, but breathe through it. It’s not as bad as it first was. The cuts were all minor and have mostly scabbed over. All in all, it could’ve been much worse. The cyclops could have killed me and I might’ve missed out on those mind-blowing orgasms. That would’ve been an absolute tragedy.

Orcus’ t-shirt brushes over my legs, a gentle reminder of his touch. The tether between us responds to that, all but drawing me toward him. He doesn’t turn to greet me as I join him at the counter, but I sense a curious shifting in the bond. I ignore the grumpy monster in favor of water. After three cups, I finally feel mostly human. The scent of whatever he’s making fills the air with spices and herbs. My stomach grumbles even louder.

The knife clatters to the counter, and I watch Orcus stomp toward the pot and deposit vegetables—mostly root and some of which I don’t recognize—into the concoction. He finally meets my gaze. His eyebrows are sharply pulled down, lips pressed together in displeasure and annoyance rolls off him in waves, threatening to pull me under.

Does he regret what happened? My chest tightens at the thought. That was the best sexual experience I’ve ever had.

My stomach gurgles long and loud. I wince. “Sorry,” I say, even though I’m not sure why I’m apologizing.

“When was the last time you ate?” he demands.

I have no idea what time it is here, but I’ve slept twice—though the last time was only a nap. That’s probably close to ten hours together. Add the two-ish hours or so where I was trying to escape and he took care of me… “I’m not sure,” I confess with a shrug.

His features darken. “You don’t take care of yourself.” Anger snaps through the bond, and he clenches his jaw.

Wait. Is he mad because I’m hungry? That’s so cute and a little confusing.
