Page 2 of Beastly

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Then I stalk to the restaurant, growling as I see the hostess that I don’t like standing in front of the reservations desk.

Her slick red smile makes me sick to my stomach and no matter how many times I tell her that I’m not interested, she isn’t getting it.

“Good morning, Mr. Marshall. It’s lovely to see you today.” She moves closer, her bony shoulder brushing against mine. My jaw clenches and I glare at her.

“Where is the manager?” She backs up a bit and her smile falters.

“I’m sorry?”

“Your manager?” I ask through gritted teeth.

“He’s in the kitchen. Can I help you with anything?” There’s that slimy little look again. Avaricious bitch. As if I’d ever be interested in her. I’m not that desperate.

“Just get him.”

She nods jerkily and stalks off, her back rigid with annoyance. She’s about to be considerably more annoyed.

The manager comes bustling up to me, his hand out to shake mine which I ignore.

“Why is she here again? I had this reservation for at least a week. You know how I feel about that woman. She’s already tried brushing up against me and she’s propositioned me. I’m not interested and I’m done with this. Unless you want me to buy this damn restaurant and make sure that the first thing I do is clean house, starting with her and yourself, you better get her out of my sight.”

His eyes are like saucers and he bows over and over as he backs away. “Yes, sir. Of course, sir. Right away.”

I nod my head and lean against the wall, waiting for my will to be done.

I smirk when she’s led, protesting, out of the restaurant and given her walking papers.

As he’s leading her out, he holds the door and another man walks in the door with a bunch of obvious toadies. That man smiles at the manager and wanders in like he’s got nowhere to be.

I glare at him, wondering who the hell he is and why he’s got that cocky smirk on his face.

And then my attention is drawn by a woman bringing up the rear of the group. Her eyes are downcast and her long, dark hair is pulled back in a stern chignon. She moves with a surefooted grace that captures my imagination, my eyes wandering over her soft curves.

Like she can feel my eyes, her own lift and I’m stunned all over again. Her skin is so pale and clear, it’s creamy and perfect. Her glorious gray eyes are partially hidden behind stark, black-rimmed eyeglasses framing her dove-gray orbs. When the light hits her eyes they gleam silver and I can’t look away. My heart skips a beat and I can’t breathe, can’t speak. I’ve never been so affected by anything in my life. But she has me craving her luscious curves.

Her rosy-red lips curve in a quick smile when she sees me staring at her and that’s it for me. Hunger becomes my driving force. Hunger for this woman. Ineedher like I need air to breathe and I step forward, intending to introduce myself to her and hear her voice. I haven’t even heard her voice and yet I know that it matches the rest of her. Spectacular.

Several of the men standing around her push back against me and the little guy with the smirk glares at me.

“Who the hell do you think you are trying to push yourself into my people?”

“I just wanted to meet the young lady.”

His face flushes and his steel-grey eyes, so like his daughter’s but older, more cynical, flash with anger. “You don’t get to meet my daughter by pushing your way through my men like some kind of barbarian.”

My own eyes blaze at his autocratic attitude. “She looks like a fully-grown adult. I’m pretty sure she can make her own decisions.”

He smirks and that overpowering urge to slam him down, hits me hard.

“She’s my property.” His eyes sweep up and down my body and I don’t even flinch. I know this guy thinks he’s intimidating but he’s just an insignificant little twerp to me. I could swat him down with my hand tied behind my back.

“Really? Does she know that?”

His thin lips curl. “She does. Good day to you.” All of them move away but I see her look over her delicate shoulder, her profile softly rounded and purely beautiful. She’s an angel.

When the manager scurries up to me and starts to stroke my ego, saying that if I need anything just ask, I turn to him with a hard eye.

“Tell me about that man.” My head dips towards the other man and he pales.
