Page 100 of Reckless Bonds

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I took a life.


Quickly, Bobble brings over a second cup, filled with a pungent blend of herbs. I drink it eagerly, desperate for anything that would bring relief.

“To help you sleep,” he says softly as I gulp it down. I nod and take deep, calming breaths, attempting to regain control of my racing nerves.

I reach out slowly, tracing his arm. His skin feels soft and warm under my fingertips. He reciprocates by gently wiping away the tear tracks on my face. Bobble leans in to kiss my forehead, his natural musky scent offering comfort.

Suddenly, my eyes snap open, a tingling sensation blossoming in my chest. Frantically, I meet Bobble’s wild eyes, searching for answers. I blink repeatedly, trying to comprehend the swirling light that surrounds us. Chroma courses through my veins, threatening to overwhelm me. Bobble gasps audibly, and then the light vanishes.

A new awareness awakens within me. It feels distinct from Sunder’s bond—soft yet resilient.

Bobble’s bond.

“But… how?” I ask.

A slow smile spreads across Bobble’s face as he runs his knuckles along my jawline. He lifts his shoulder as if to shrug. Even through my haze, the glow of his delightful smile draws a sense of joy from me.

“I don’t know. It just… snapped into place.”

My eyelids suddenly weigh a ton, and I can’t keep them open. The herbs swiftly lull me into a peaceful slumber, pulling me away from consciousness. Before I fully fade, Bobble’s warm hands glide through my hair, soothing me.

Urging me to surrender to sleep.

Chapter Forty-Two


After a restless night with little sleep, I rise with the sun, immediately checking the bond to ensure that Mira is still safely asleep in the next room. Even being this far away from her feels excruciating.

Still, there is comfort in knowing her whereabouts and how she is feeling. I attempt to send her comfort through the bond, unsure if it will actually work. I simply will it to her, hoping she feels it.

Another sensation tugs at my mind, fainter and more elusive.

I dress slowly, the scent of Mira lingering on my skin. The sun is just beginning to peek over the horizon, and the birds have already started their cheerful chirping. As I peer out of Yurghen’s tower window, the lake below appears as a deep blue, the open area encircled by dense forest. It’s a setting that could easily hide an ambush. The thought sends a shiver down my spine and reinforces my urgency to leave this place.

The well of Chroma buried within me stirs and beckons. I smile to myself, remembering the long journey to reclaim it, before dipping my toe into its depths. A warm sensation courses through me as I summon a ball of light to hover above me, illuminating the dim room.

With the yellow glow washing over me, I glance down at my hands and notice a change. They no longer bear the appearance of a fae prince but resemble the paws of a bumbling Shifter novice. Orange fur covers them entirely, imitating Bobble Cat’s pattern. I hasten to the mirror and discover that the rest of my body remains fae. I push, trying to bring my Chroma back to the surface. Slowly, I watch the fur fade, smooth skin replacing it.

I will need to reacquaint myself with the art of shape-shifting, mastering control once again. It has been too long since I last assumed this form.

Reluctantly, I will myself back into my cat form. Shifting into an orange tabby is effortless, but returning to my fae form requires much more effort. A part of me resents this form, as it used to be my prison. However, it was through this form that I could get close to Mira in the first place.

Sighing, I attempt to reframe my mindset about being a cat

A minute or two in this feline form is enough for now. I carefully focus on the image of my fae self. My concentration shattered as the door to my room unexpectedly swings open.

The First stands tall, leaning against the wooden door frame, while I turn my tiny, orange kitty head attached to my fae male body towards him.

“That’s truly disturbing, Third.”

Sighing at his deadpan expression, I close my eyes and finish the rest of the transformation. I reach out through the bond, searching for Mira’s presence—still sleeping. But then… there is now a second source in the room. So, I can sense the other Shard now?

“It has been a while. I need some practice,” I say dismissively.

Sunder walks over to a chair by the empty hearth. But instead of sitting down, he faces me, a challenge evident in his posture.
