Page 101 of Reckless Bonds

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“You are strong. I can sense it. A Flesh Render.”

“I am,” I agree with a curt nod.

Silence lingers between us, the undertone of competition seeping into my mind through the bond. We grow more aggressive and standoffish toward each other. I may be a head taller and wider, but Sunder’s commanding presence makes me feel small. He takes a few steps closer until we are nearly touching.

Not wanting to escalate the situation, I prompt, “Anything else?”

“The Frenzy took over her after our bonding. We will need to fulfill that desire as best as we can. It will help her, strengthen her,” Sunder says. His body relaxes as he talks about our mate. A hint of softening reaches me through the bond, a sense of kinship, perhaps.

“Frenzying means she craves more. The more we provide, the better equipped she will be to defend herself,” he adds, averting his eyes slightly, as if speaking to reassure us both. I know well what the Frenzy means. He seems to have forgotten that I am the scholar of the group, if he is the muscle.

I resist the urge to point out that I know her better than he does. That would probably not go over well. It would make me feel satisfied to needle the First into a rage, but alas. I fear it would upset Mira.

I appreciate his attempt to soothe his own ego. The First rarely shows me any care, but maybe things will change now that we both share a bond with Mira and can feel each other’s presence as well. There is undoubtedly more between us than before. I nod and avert my gaze. His intensity can be overwhelming.

“This is our purpose. We must help her. She is far stronger than I ever imagined. She defeated Yurghen with only one bond. Can you fathom what she will be capable of once we find the other two Shards and merge?” I muse.

Sunder shakes his head in disbelief. Suddenly, he places his palm on my shoulder and closes his eyes.

“All this time, I thought she would give me strength to right the injustice done to us. But… I think that may not be the path we take. I think she is destined for something greater. I just wish I knew what it was.”

I nod slowly, understanding his uncertainty.

“I will do anything to help protect her. Whatever her path may be, I will be there. With her. With you. Together,” I assure him.

Sunder’s eyes shift towards the wall, where Mira rests. We both feel her stirring in the next room.

The First meets my gaze again and nods. “Together.”

Chapter Forty-three


I wake to two men in my bed.

For a second, I’m slightly disoriented. It’s not a bad thing, exactly. It’s just new. At first, all I can think about is how I’m surrounded by warmth. Embedded in this little cocoon, my heart beats steadily, like it’s relaxed for the first time in… well. Forever.

I feel safe.

At first, I don’t want to question that connection. There’s so much relief that’s flooding through me, I almost feel addicted to it. I lean into the feeling, letting it wash through me.

I’m safe.

For a while, I doze again. Then, gradually, my mind slips into wakefulness. I’m slowly made aware of the fact that there’s a warm, hard chest at my front, and that I’m cradled against a firm body as well. Bobble’s chest rattles slightly, a purr that must be left over from his cat form, that somehow, he can’t shake in his human one.

It’s cute.

Sleepily, I blink my eyes open.

‘Cute’ is definitely how I’d describe Bobble the cat.

Bobble the man, however, is another matter entirely.

He’s really… thick. That’s the best way to describe it. My eyes roam over his pecs, tracing the curved swell of his muscles as they flow together at his collarbones and up his neck. Bobble looks like he could probably bench press a horse, if he had to, but also like he’s the perfect pillow to cuddle into.

I opt for that and press my nose into the center of his chest. His hair is so light it’s hard to see when I’m far away, but now that I’m close, the tiniest bits of chest hair tickle my nose.

The purring increases.
