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All three ofthe suns in the sky had set again by the time the forest changed once more. The haunting red and black trees gave way to a lush green forest with a crimson dirt base. The new trees looked almost like Earth’s, though they seemed almost supernaturally perfect with their thick brown trunks and huge green leaves. Bushes and flowers bloomed everywhere, making it smell as nice as it looked.

“We’re approaching. You can relax,”Ivaylo told me.

“I’ll relax when you aren’t holding me captive any longer.”

He grumbled at me, but didn’t retaliate otherwise.“You are not my captive, female. You are my equal.”

“It’s Ezra. My damn name is Ezra. Stop calling mefemale; it’s insulting.”

“My people would worship you if I allowed them to. There is nothing insulting about your gender in my land, Ezra.”My name rolled off his tongue smoothly.

“That’s not what I was saying.” I closed my eyes and let out a long breath.

The scent of fresh plants and something citrusy flooded my senses, relaxing me more than it should’ve.

“We’re here. See the large tree ahead?”


“That’s our den. Remember it.”

I huffed. “Again with theourthing.”

Was he really telling me he lived in a tree?

I mean, it was a big tree. Not the biggest I’d ever seen, but—

I sucked in a breath when he ducked beneath a thick opening in the tree’s trunk. My fingers gripped his fur so tightly that the blood rushed out of them.

He stepped over a thick outcropping in the tree, and then jumped smoothly into a pit of some kind. It was pitch-black inside, so I couldn’t see a thing.

I clung to his back as he shifted forms, my fingers digging into the thick muscles on his shoulders as he stood to his full height.

“I’m not going to let you fall,” he told me, his voice still low and growly.

“Of course you aren’t. You’re trying to convince me to bite you,” I mumbled back.

Ivaylo peeled my hands off his shoulders and hauled me into his arms. We were moving, though I still couldn’t see where we were headed. The glow radiating from him wasn’t bright enough to illuminate the room, and my own glow was so slight, I could barely see it at all.

“The huvim will make their way into the den in a few minutes and provide light,” he said.

“What’s a huvim?”

“They are small, glowing bugs. They’re attracted to our magic.”

“Your magic, maybe. I don’t have any.”

He set me down on something surprisingly soft and comfortable. I ran my hand over it, and decided it was a fuzzy blanket or something similar.

“My magic is yours through the bond, Ezra. You’re on our bed; feel free to get comfortable.”

“I’m filthy, starving, and exhausted. Comfort is a pipe dream.” I scooted further onto the mattress, using my hands to feel for a wall. It took a minute, but I finally found it.

“I will fulfill all of your needs. Relax.” With that lovely response, I heard him walk away.

Though I itched to peel my dirt-crusted tee over my head and slip out of my shorts too, I wasn’t sure how stripping would impact Ivaylo’s lustiness. He was still glowing, which worried me a bit.
