Page 16 of A Single Soul

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“We cut out all the bullshit on your profiles,” Andras broke in. “We rewrite all of it so you sound like a halfway desirable partner, and then we help you figure out how to actually be that halfway desirable partner.”

I stared at him. Then I turned to Cory. “Am I really that blunt with people?”

He was chewing a bite of pasta, and he nodded as he shrugged apologetically.

“Great.” To the demon, I said, “So… like you tell me what to say? What to do?”

“And we’ll help you pick out a wardrobe!” Raziel sounded positively gleeful, and he clapped his hands as he asked, “Are you ready to go shopping?”

My jaw went slack. “Whoa, whoa, wait.” I gestured at them with my fork. “The new agreement says you guys disappear when I’m out in public.”

“Well, yes.” The angel shrugged. “But you can summon us any time you need us. Like when you’re in a dressing room and need someone to approve what you’re trying on.”

Oh. God. The prospect of listening to these two heckle my clothing choices in between arguing with each other sounded… uh… delightful.

Cory cleared his throat. “I, um… I can go with you, too.”

I faced him. “Huh?”

“I like shopping for clothes. And youhavetold me I have good taste.” He shrugged as he spun some more noodles on his fork. “If you want, I can help.”

Why did my heart go wild at thought of taking him with me? And at the same time, my stomach knotted, because I didn’t want his help picking out clothes to date other men. I wanted his help picking out clothes to datehim.

But the first option was the best I was going to get, so I nodded. “Sure. Yeah.” I managed a smile. “That would be great.”

His face lit up as if he were actually excited about this.

And suddenly… I was too.

Chapter 6


After we’d eaten, Matt collected our food containers and tossed them. Then he came back to the couch and eyed Andras and Raziel warily. “So… I guess we should get back to my profiles?” He glanced at me. “We were about to start that earlier when you brought the food.”

“Ooh, so I didn’t miss it.” I chuckled and slid closer to him as he got out his phone. I’d only meant to move in enough that I could see his screen, but…

Fuck. Sitting this close to him… while we were talking about finding a man for him…

It seemed fitting there was a demon in the room, because I was pretty sure this was actual Hell.

At least Andras had moved from the coffee table to perching in the crook of Matt’s elbow. Still weird as hell, but better than having him right next to my head.

Matt pulled up one of several hookup/dating apps on his phone and opened his profile. Raziel flew in closer, and Andras craned his neck to read it.

Then Andras sat back, snapping his wings like he did whenever he was annoyed. “Well, no wonder you can’t get your arse fucked.” He gestured wildly at the screen. “What d’you expect, you numpty?”

Matt gave him one of those sharp looks that I imagined made opposing counsel squirm in their chairs in the courtroom. It made me want to squirm, too, but not because I was intimidated or nervous.

Is it hot in here? Fuuuck.

Andras, of course, didn’t even flinch, staring back with more defiance than a creature that tiny should’ve been able to muster. “Well? Why would any man be arsed to respond to…that?”He pointed at the screen again.

Matt glared harder. Andras glared more defiantly.

Raziel cleared his throat. “For starters, perhaps we could make your introduction a little more… inviting?”

That broke the standoff, and Raziel drew all our attention to the phone. I wasn’t sure when the angel had conjured the pointer, but he gestured at the screen like a teacher.

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