Page 18 of A Single Soul

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I just laughed and continued with his profile. After a minute or so, I handed back his phone, not sure why I suddenly had a ball of anxiety in the pit of my stomach. Because he might hate what I’d written? Or because it might work and summon Mr. Perfect right to Matt’s door?

Matt furrowed his brow as he read the screen.

“Well?” Raziel demanded. “What does it say?”

Matt rolled his eyes. Then he read aloud, “‘I’m a busy professional in my 40s. Hit me up and tell me about yourself. Looking for love, but not opposed to having a good time if the chemistry is there. I’m a pretty low-key guy who enjoys a low-key life. I like to be active, I like to relax—just depends on the mood. Looking for someone to enjoy both of those things and everything in between. I know my way around the kitchen—let me cook you my enchiladas, and you’ll love me forever! LOL. My time is limited, but I’ll make time for you.’”

He stared at the phone. Then he turned to me, eyes wide. “That… Shit.” He faced the phone again, and he sounded incredulous. “I should’ve had you write something for me ages ago.”

I laughed softly, pretending my heart didn’t ache at the prospect of other men falling all over themselves to message him now.

“It’s much better,” Raziel said with a sharp nod.

Andras apparently disagreed, if the gagging sound he made was any indication.

“What?” Matt demanded.

“Nothing?” Andras shrugged flippantly. “Just… all that’s gonna get you is more wankers and tadgers.”

“It will not!” Raziel declared. “I think it sounds nice.” To me, he said, “Well done, Cory.”

Andras mimicked, “Well done, Cory.”

Matt narrowed his eyes at the demon. “So help me, I will get a flyswatter.”

Andras barked a laugh. “You think a flyswatter’s gonna hurt me? Pfft.”

“An electric one might,” I said.

Matt turned to me, eyebrows up. “Do you have one of those?”

“No, but I could probably Amazon Prime it.” I took out my phone and pulled up the app. “Or maybe a stun gun?”

“Oi!” The demon flailed around, his wings whipping up a small but violent wind. “You’d better not!”

“Or what?” Matt asked dryly. “You’ll slap me with your wing?Again?”

Andras huffed. Then he smacked the side of Matt’s wrist with his tail.

“Ow!” Matt slapped at his arm, knocking Andras away in the process.

The demon squawked, caught the edge of Matt’s sleeve, and righted himself.

“Huh.” I pursed my lips. “Maybe the regular flyswatter will work after all.”

“Eh.” Matt nodded at my phone. “Get the electric one just in case. I’m keeping these two in line by any means necessary.”

“I beg your pardon!” Raziel hmphed. “I believe you mean keepingthat onein line!”

“Nope.” Matt focused on his own screen. “Both of you.”

That prompted some grumbling, but otherwise, the pair settled down. When I glanced at Matt, I wasn’t at all surprised to see him fighting a smile. Nor was I surprised by the rush of heat that impish look sent through me.

I am such a dumbass for you. My God.

I was also glad to see Matt’s sense of humor seemed to have returned. He was still stressed about all this, I was sure, but he could snark with me and at the winged idiots. He could laugh. So… that was promising. Meant he was out of panic mode, at least.

We went through the rest of his profile, filling in some of his interests in more detail. Favorite movies, TV shows he enjoyed, if he had kids or pets (or wanted them in the future).
