Page 50 of Locked In

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“I see. Are you taking over for Shah?” The chief still looked slightly confused.

“No. As part of the global team, I’m here to look after security for the Club as a whole. I’m in town for a site visit.”

Clark nodded. “Got it. Perhaps we can sit down and have a chat in the next day or so.”

“Anytime,” Flynn agreed. He offered the chief a smile, but Harper was quite sure no one else noticed how the chilly smile didn’t reach his eyes.

She side-stepped around Flynn and moved closer to Jason.

“Mandy,” Harper said as the medical examiner looked up from the body. “Sorry to meet you again under these circumstances.

“Harper. It is nice to see you and yes, the circumstances aren’t so nice. Sad to see someone so young die.”

Jason had his arms crossed over his chest as he stared at the body. “What can you tell me.” He glanced at Harper. “Or should I say tellus.” His tone was snide. The chief shot him a hard look and Jason clamped his jaws shut.

Mandy looked up sharply, cocking an eyebrow at Jason. She glanced at Harper, who just gave a little shake of her head.

Mandy gave a single nod. The woman understood to let it go and Harper was grateful. Jason was pissed at her for having to stay. She didn’t blame him. The last thing he needed was someone following his every move on this investigation. The thing was, he kept glancing over at Flynn and thunderclouds were building on his features. Was he pissed at her for staying, or at Flynn for making it happen? In the end it didn’t matter, she decided. Jason was in a pissy mood and the rest of them were going to have to pay for it.

She closed her eyes for a second and tried to find her balance. The last couple of days had been hell and the taunting and threatening nature of the break-in the other night, she was just done. Pissed off royally. Honestly, she couldn’t be blamed for snapping at Susan. She glanced outside. The horizon showed some lightening. Daylight was coming.

“Mandy?” Jason said again in a slightly grating voice.

“Sorry, Jason. I was just taking a look at a few things so I could answer your question more fully. These bruises on her face”—Mandy pointed to the skin around Calli’s eyes—“were from earlier this evening. They were just starting to darken when she died. And her nose is broken. It was broken before the fall.”

Jason ran a hand through his hair. “Can you determine a cause of death?”

“I can’t say for certain until I get back to the lab. I’m not sure the fall killed her. I’m not seeing…I’ll know more once I do a full autopsy.”

Jason pushed a bit harder. “So do you think she fell and broke her neck?”

Mandy looked up and met Jason’s gaze. “Anything I tell you right now would only be speculation.” He stared at her and then gave a single nod.

“Okay, Mandy,” the chief said. “Let us know when you know.” He turned to Jason. “Let me know if you need anything else and keep me updated. I’m heading out. Send me any information on the woman so I can reach out to the NYPD, to make the death notification.”

“Will do,” Jason agreed as Chief Clark exited into the gray dawn.

Flynn touched her shoulder, and she looked up into his dark eyes. “Here,” he said as he put a fresh cup of hot tea in her hands.

“Thanks,” she whispered quietly.

“Harper!” Jason all but barked at her.

She jumped, almost spilling her tea. “What?” she said through clenched teeth.

“I’m going to start interviewing witnesses now. Mrs. Carruthers has us set up in a room off the kitchen.” He nodded toward the other room.

“Okay.” She glanced up at Flynn again. “Thanks for this.”

“My pleasure.” The deep timbre of his voice sent a ripple down her spine.

She moved in the direction Jason had disappeared to, feeling the weight of Flynn’s gaze on her back. Damn, this was going to be hard. Flynn O’Connor completely threw her off her game. She sipped the tea he’d handed her. It was time to get serious.

As scary as it was to be at Everlasting Manor, it was also her chance to find out what the hell Astrid had been doing here. She’d keep her eyes and ears open. Maybe she could find someone here who knew Astrid or knew what her connection was to the house. She needed proof that the girl was here. Proof that the murderer was still under this roof.With her.

She entered the small sitting room and found an old wing-backed chair and settled into it. Jason was already seated on a wooden chair. A coffee table separated him from the sofa where Mrs. Carruthers sat. She had coffee in front of her and a cup in front of Jason.

“Mrs. Carruthers, your first name is Helen, correct?”
