Page 102 of Defining Us

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Jordan:Like you need an excuse. Behave and tell Dani the same. See you later.

Sasha:Gasp, shock, horror. We always behave.

Jordan:Liar, I’ve seen your type of behaving!

Sasha:You love me!

Jordan:Yeah, I do, most days anyway.


Jordan:Not news, hunny.

Sasha:LMAO xx


I hope I’m doing the right thing. I promised Sasha before we got married that I would never lie to her and would always be upfront. So, I have to stay true to that. We made a few of our own rules besides all the stupid lawyers’ paperwork. And transparency and truth were big ones.

The car pulling up in front of the stadium has me turning my brain off to all this. I need to be Jordan Brandon, star quarterback for the New York Lions. Charm on and plaster the smile on big. As the driver opens the door, I’m hit with the flashes from the few paparazzi that are lined up outside the entrance. Just once it would be nice to arrive somewhere and just walk in the door with no fuss, without having to wade through the constant yelling of my name and stupid questions from the press.

Smiling and waving, I pose for a few shots then proceed inside to be greeted by the team publicist who is already throwing instructions at me of how the night will run after the game.

Let’s get this over with, so I can get home to my girl.


I was kind of glad that Jordan left before I saw him. This morning was intense and the peace and stillness of the apartment without anyone else here is just what I need. I keep thinking about how I haven’t had to do any of the training on him yet, the way everything keeps happening and how much we keep making each other angry. I wonder if I will ever get to fix this shoulder. Although I’m not looking forward to spending an hour of rubbing those muscles while drooling over his chest and back. Time to block that out of my mind for tonight.

I can’t imagine living here. It’s like they all don’t see how amazing the view is. I mean, seriously spectacular. A little different to my two-bedroom apartment back home. Although that’s where I feel like myself. When I first arrived here, I thought to myself that this life had changed Jordan. He never seemed to be into money and flashy things growing up, and yet here we are in the penthouse apartment big enough to be a home for a family of ten people.

But it hasn’t taken long for me to see that he is still the same Jordan I grew up with. This is his home, just like mine. The place he relaxes, doesn’t have to be anyone but himself. No chance of anyone knocking on his door or taking photos through a window. He can walk around with no shirt on as much as he likes. Not that it helps my problem, but man, it’s nice to look at.

With no one home, I take time to explore a bit more. This room must be his office/trophy room. Wow, he has a lot. Wandering along the glass cabinet that holds them all, I’m surprised to find the ones from high school sitting pride of place next to his NFL ones. There’s a photo of his high school team and one of him and Xavier on the field together. I should have known he wouldn’t forget where he came from.

Sitting in his chair, he has everything neat and tidy. I’d forgotten that about him. He likes to be organized and know what is ahead of him. That’s why this injury must be totally unnerving him. Plus, while I’ve been so busy thinking about how hard being here is for me, I haven’t taken a moment to think about what it would be doing to him.

He’s right, we do need to sort this out. I know he thinks he has it all figured out in his head, what he’s going to do, but I’m not sure I know what the right option for me is.

I need to get out of this room where he is all around me and the smell of his cologne makes me feel like he’s close by.

Dinner is a simple event for me. Scrambled eggs on toast. The staple food when nothing else looks appetizing or the fridge is empty. Curling up on his couch that is big enough to be my bed, I start flicking through the movies he has on every streaming service possible. I suppose this is what you can do when money isn’t a problem. You don’t have to choose your favorite for the budget, you just get them all. Although, even with all those options, nothing is piquing my interest. Looks like I’ll just listen to the pre-game commentary instead.

I’m more tired than I thought and drift off to sleep after watching Jordan’s college team throw the final pass to win the game. I’m unaware time has gone so fast.

The feel of his lips on my cheek startles me. My eyes open wide and his face is right there.

“Hey there, beautiful.” Looking like he is going to come in again for another kiss, I try to sit up as fast as I can, which has him pushing up to his feet and standing in front of me.

I don’t think this is a dream, but I don’t trust myself if he stays this close.

I shake my head a little to get some sense into me and rub my hands over my face. I’m working out that there’s no dream and he really did kiss me and call me beautiful.

“You can’t keep saying things like that.” I look up at him, standing as I do. I need to go to bed and put distance between us again. It’s obviously the only thing I can do when he’s around, stay in my room and only come out to train him or when he isn’t home.

Not happy with me moving away, he questions me. “Why, Nat?”

“Because it just can’t be like that between us.” A little more awake now, my voice is stronger.

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