Page 19 of Harbingers

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I can’t stand a fucking liar. Mean what you say and say what you mean. I can at least respect that. I can’t fucking respect a liar.

Which is a fucking joke since I lie every goddamn day of my life. I lie to the world about who I am and slide a mask of deception on my face when interacting with everyone except for Malakhi.

I watch him from across the room, the bristles of the toothbrush scraping against the concrete with a relentless determination. His focus is unwavering, his brow furrowed in concentration. But beneath that facade of diligence, I sense a turmoil that's been bubbling just below the surface.

My gaze narrows as I take in his movements, the realization settling in like a lead weight in the pit of my stomach. Malakhi's actions, his obsession with Quinn Sorvani, have escalated to a point that's impossible to ignore. I've watched him from the shadows, seen the way he's been consumed by his curiosity, his infatuation, and I can't deny the unease that's taken root within me.

He pauses, tossing the toothbrush aside for a moment as he lets out a frustrated exhale. His fingers rake through his dark hair, a gesture of frustration that speaks volumes. I know him well enough to recognize the signs, the subtle shifts in his demeanor that signal his inner unrest.

This obsession with Quinn is driving a wedge between us, a fracture that threatens to shatter the bond we've had for years. From his first breath and then from when he finally emerged from his cocoon. But now, it's as if he's slipping through my fingers, lost in a world of his own making.

A sense of helplessness washes over me, a bitter reminder that even the strongest bonds can be eroded by the corrosive power of others. I've tried to confront him, but each attempt only seems to push us further apart. I fucking hate feeling helpless, and the wheels have been spinning incessantly, trying to figure out how to halt everything. Do I lock him up until his feelings burn away into ashes? What will that do to his sanity, being locked away from everything and everyone, especially considering I wouldn’t be able to let him out to even kill? Would his entire spirit be broken beyond repair? All valuable questions I ask myself as I war on the best course of action.

"Khi," I finally speak up, my voice cutting through the silence like a blade.

He looks up at me, his eyes narrowed as if he's been pulled from a trance. "What?"

I step closer, my frustration bubbling to the surface. "You're not fooling anyone, Malakhi. This obsession, this infatuation, is ripping apart the seams of our lives. It’s going to be our fucking downfall, and I refuse to let it happen."

He scoffs, his gaze flickering away from mine. "You don't know what you're fucking talking about, Dom."

"Don't play your games with me," I retort, my patience wearing thin. "I've followed you, watched how you've been pursuing her, how you've been consumed by this fucking chick. It's dangerous and frankly insulting."

He stands, his shoulders tense as he meets my gaze head-on. "You don't understand, Dom. There's something about her, something that draws me in."

"And that's the goddamn problem," I snap, my frustration boiling over. "You're letting this curiosity, this attraction, cloud your judgment. We don’t do distractions, Khi."

His jaw clenches, his gaze hardened. "So what? You want me to just ignore it? Pretend like I'm not drawn to her?"

I take a step closer, my voice low and vibrating with anger. "I want you to remember who we are, Khi. What we've built. I want you to remember who the fuck owns you. I won't stand by and watch you disappear because you've become so infatuated with her."

His gaze locks onto mine, a mixture of frustration, anger, and something else I can't quite decipher. "You don't get it, Dom. You don't understand how it feels to want something, someone, so badly that it consumes you."

I exhale sharply, my own frustration mirrored in his words. "Don’t I? You can’t be that fucking obtuse."

He looks away, his fists clenched at his sides.

The room is heavy with tension, the weight of our fractured connection pressing down on us like a suffocating blanket. I want to bridge the gap between us, to find a way to bring him back from the edge of this obsession. But if I force him like my body and mind are screaming at me to, he’s going to lash out. He may submit to me most of the time, but he’s just as fucking stubborn as I am. I have to be careful because I can’t lose him to this fucking bitch. I’d rather kill him. He will only ever belong to me.

As he resumes scrubbing, his movements tense and deliberate, I'm left with a sinking feeling that the storm that's been brewing within us is far from over. One way or another, one or both of us are going to erupt, and the ashes will settle, and nothing will be the same again.

Malakhi's silence hangs in the air like an unspoken confession. I watch him for a moment longer, the weight of our conversation lingering between us.

A surge of determination courses through me, a resolve to put an end to this dangerous dance we've been engaging in. It's become clear that words alone aren’t going to get what I want. What we need. If I'm to salvage what remains, I'll need to take action, and swiftly.

"Khi," I say, my voice unwavering despite the turmoil within me.

He looks up, his gaze meeting mine, a mixture of uncertainty and wariness in his eyes. As if he’s run a marathon in arguing with me and doesn’t have the energy for any more today. I need to strike now to make sure he bends to my will.

"This won’t continue," I state firmly, my gaze unwavering.

He doesn't respond immediately, his features taut with a mixture of emotions. It's as if he's grappling with his own internal battle, torn between his curiosity and our history.

"I know," he finally admits, his voice soft.

I step closer, my determination giving me the strength to push forward. "So, here's what's going to happen. We're going to put an end to this obsession, to this dangerous fascination. We can't afford to let it consume us any longer."

Malakhi's eyes narrow, a hint of defiance flaring within him. "And what do you propose we do, Dom?"
