Page 20 of Harbingers

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My gaze doesn't waver, my resolve unshaken. "We're going to confront it. We're going to face whatever's driving this infatuation and deal with it. Together."

He hesitates, his gaze flickering away from mine as if he's considering his options. I can see the war raging within him, the conflict between his misplaced feelings and the loyalty that's tied us together for so long.

"Do you understand me, Malakhi?" I ask, my voice steady, unwavering.

He looks back at me, his eyes finally meeting mine with a mixture of determination and resignation. "Yeah. But, Dom…" he trails off.

“No. You can make a decision, but you know every action has a fucking consequence. You’re losing sight of everything we are. Everything we’ve built, and all for a pair of tits. You don’t even know what women are like.”

I’m the only person he’s ever been with. He’s never shown an interest in anyone besides a passing glance, male or female. That’s why this bitch has got to go, once and for all. She’s got his head so fucking twisted up.

Quinn Sorvani is going to die by my hands.

One, two, the Harbingers are coming for you.

Three, four, rotten to the core.

Five, six, killing is my only fix.

Seven, eight, it’s time to create.

Nine, ten, someone’s going to meet my knife again.



Every lead, every piece of evidence, every hunch–they've all led me here, to this moment. The pieces of the puzzle are finally starting to fall into place, revealing a dark web of secrets and lies that have remained hidden for far too long. I can sense it, feel it in my bones that I'm inching closer to finding out who the Harbingers are.

The dim light of the small lamp casts over the evidence board that dominates my living room. Photographs, newspaper clippings, and scribbled notes cover the surface, each thread connecting to another. I stand before it, my heart racing, the weight of anticipation settling heavily in my chest.

For weeks, I've poured over every detail, followed every trail, pieced together the fragments of a story that's both chilling and enthralling. And now, as I take in the carefully curated chaos before me, I can't help but feel a sense of triumph. I'm close, so close to unraveling the mystery that's gripped Hazelwood in fear.

My gaze narrows on a photograph of a crime scene, the careful arrangement of objects and the artful display of violence all too familiar. It's a signature, a calling card that links one crime to another. The Harbingers have left their mark, a trail of breadcrumbs that I've been following with a determination that borders on obsession.

I trace the lines on the board, connecting one photograph to the next, trying to link victims and motives. As patterns emerge, the connections become clearer, and I know that I'm on the brink of a discovery. But with each step closer, the danger looms larger, a reminder that the truth I seek may come at a cost.

The nameLaRue Brothers Cleaningis scrawled in red ink on the board, a business that seems simple at first glance but is always the go-to business used for each of these crime scene cleanups. It's a connection that sends shivers down my spine, and I know that this is the key. Somehow, these brothers are connected. It’s too much of a coincidence. I need to get closer to them and try to figure out how they know the Harbingers.

My phone buzzes on the nearby table, pulling me from my thoughts. I pick it up, my pulse quickening as I see the caller ID. An anonymous number. I answer, my voice steady despite the turmoil within me.

"Hello?" I ask, my fingers tightening around the phone.

"Ms. Sorvani," a voice hisses, distorted and cold. "You should have left it well alone. Now look, your nosy ass has fucked up. Be careful where you tread."

A chill runs down my spine as the line goes dead. The warning is clear, a veiled threat that's meant to deter me. But if anything, it only fuels my determination. I've come too far, uncovered too much, to back down now.

As I return the phone to the table, my gaze once again lands on the evidence board. The faces of the victims, the scenes of violence, the delicate balance of art and brutality–it all points to a truth that's been shrouded in darkness. And I'm determined to bring it to light.

I take a deep breath, my resolve hardening. The Harbingers may be elusive, their motives hidden quite well, but I'm closing in. They can try to intimidate me, try to steer me away from the truth, but I won't be deterred. The shadows may be deep, but I'm prepared to face whatever lies within them.

I square my shoulders, my fingers brushing over the photographs on the board. With each step forward, I'm inching closer to exposing the darkness that's haunted Hazelwood for far too long. And when I finally do, I'll be ready to confront the truth. No matter the consequences.



Raindrops race down the window, each one a reminder of the tempest that has taken hold of my heart. The truth, like a specter, loomed over our lives, ready to unveil the darkness that has defined us. Dominic and me, the Harbingers of death. The time for secrets has ended and the moment of reckoning has arrived.
