Page 21 of Harbingers

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It’s been a week since that phone call we made, and I watch from a distance, hidden in the shadows, as Quinn meticulously examines the evidence board she's set up. Photographs, documents, and newspaper clippings are pinned with precision, forming a web that tells a story she's been piecing together for weeks. It's a story that's haunted my thoughts, my actions, my very existence.

Her gaze narrows, her fingers tracing the lines that connect one piece of evidence to another. The realization is dawning upon her, the truth that's been lurking in the shadows now emerging into the light. I can see it in the furrow of her brow, the way her lips tighten, the fire of determination that burns in her eyes.

She's been getting closer, connecting the dots, and I can't escape the inevitability of her discovery. As she pieces together the puzzle that Dominic and I have so carefully crafted, I'm forced to confront the reality of our actions and the consequences that now loom over us like a storm cloud.

Quinn stands, her gaze fixed on the evidence board, her expression a mixture of resolve and urgency. I can practically hear the gears turning in her mind. The final pieces of the puzzle almost slotted into place.

My heart pounds in my chest, a sense of impending doom settling over me. I've always known that our carefully constructed facade wouldn't hold forever, that the darkness we've cultivated would eventually come to light. And now, as Quinn Sorvani stands on the precipice of discovery, I'm faced with a choice that could change everything.

I watch as Quinn gathers her things, her movements purposeful as she prepares to leave. The evidence board remains a testament to her dedication and tenacity. It's only a matter of time before she shares her findings with the world, before she exposes the truth that links us to the Harbingers.

I have to head to the job site, but something needs to happen, and it needs to happen now.

* * *

The old house looms before us, a testament to the violence that unfolded within its walls. Dominic and I stand amidst the aftermath of a murder-suicide, our gloved hands wrapped around cleaning supplies as we set to work. But as I glance at the bloodstains that mar the floor and the broken fragments of what used to be a life, my thoughts are far from the task at hand.

Dom is writing notes about the job down while I finish the last dregs of cleaning, and my heart beats uncontrollably as I take a step closer, my urgency driving me. "She’s figured it out. We have to do something now."

He meets my gaze, a storm of emotions swirling within his eyes. Anger at being exposed, jealousy at knowing I’ve still been watching her, and fear at what may happen. "So, what do you suggest we do?"

"We need to act quickly, decisively," I say. My words rushed as the weight of our situation bears down on me. I don’t have time to be snarky or cheeky as I feel the pressure building. "We can't keep trying to plan the perfect murder scene for her. We need to stop her before she exposes everything."

Dominic's silence hangs between us, the weight of my words settling over us like a shroud. I can see the wheels turning in his mind. Moving pieces on a board that I’ve never quite been able to see.

Dominic finally looks at me, his gaze heavy with contemplation. "What are you suggesting, Khi?"

My heart races as I lay out the unthinkable, the desperation within me pushing me to vocalize something that will tear us apart. "We kidnap her, Dominic. We bring her to the warehouse. The one place no one would think to look. We keep her there until we figure out how to deal with this, until the storm passes."

“Am I being punked right now? You can’t be fucking serious. Kidnapping her and keeping her alive? I’d rather slit her fucking throat here and now, scene be damned.” His voice is low and barely restrained, and his eyes aren’t on me. They are looking behind me.

I turn around slightly, and my eyes widen just a bit as I see her.

Quinn is before us, her gaze steady, her expression a mix of determination and apprehension.

"Quinn Sorvani," I say, my voice steady despite the turmoil within me.

She meets my gaze, her eyes unyielding, a fire burning within them. "Dominic and Malakhi LaRue. Or should I say, the Harbingers?"

The words hang in the air like a verdict, the final act of a journey that's brought us all to this point. Quinn has unraveled our secrets, exposed our darkness, and now the truth stands between us like a wall.

I exchange a glance with Dominic, a silent understanding passing between us. The facade is shattered, the lies exposed, and there's no turning back now. We're facing the consequences of our actions, the truth we've so desperately tried to conceal.

As Quinn's gaze remains locked on us, I can't help but feel a sense of resignation. Whatever happens now will forever alter our course. One way or another, everything has changed.

The tension in the air is stifling, a suffocating reminder that our world is on the brink of collapse. The precipice is just ahead, and there is no avoiding the fall.

"So, have you been stalking me?" she quips, raising an eyebrow as her gaze flits between me and my brother.

I chuckle as a dark glint takes over my eyes. "Only a little."

There's a flirtatious edge to my response, a mixture of amusement and something else. Something that sends a shiver down her spine. There's a connection between us, a spark that defies reason, and we exchange banter even though I know she’s scared shitless.

"Tell me, Malakhi," she says, her tone teasing. "Is Dominic the silent puppeteer, the one pulling all the strings?"

She studies me for a moment; her gaze intense, as if she's assessing my intentions. "You're clever, Quinn. But not everything is as it seems."

I wait for my brother to chime in. It’s got to be killing him right now as we flirt. But to my surprise, he remains silent, his gaze fixed on me as if challenging me. I’ve been pushing him since the little redheaded reporter came into the picture.
