Page 22 of Harbingers

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Before I can react, Dominic takes a step closer. My heart skips a beat as his presence engulfs me, his proximity both unsettling and electrifying.

And then, without warning, he saunters over to me, gripping me by the throat, and smashes his lips against mine in a kiss that's both possessive and bold. I feel the hand tightening until my airflow is cut off, and my dick hardens even more. My body is flush with my brother’s, and his cock is poking my hip, and I can’t help but grind further into it. His pleasure is my pleasure, and the groan he gives me sends tingles of anticipation down my spine.

As we break apart, a triumphant smirk curls on Dominic's lips, his gaze meeting mine with an unsettling intensity before turning to look at Quinn. She’s standing there, pupils blown wide open, and a hand covering her mouth in shock as the realization dawns on her.

I can see her mind struggling to process the unexpected turn of events. She thought she was so fucking smart, but she missed so many things that are clear as fucking day. Our scenes always hold our passion. To never think we were lovers is comical.

"I see all that sleuthing isn't truly your strong suit, Quinn," Dominic says, his voice laced with amusement.

“All of that poking around and you missed the most glaring thing, didn’t you? How badly is it eating you up inside, little miss have-to-know-it-all?” A gripping chuckle escapes his mouth at the end.

“I–-how? Why?” she questions, but I don’t think she’s actually asking us. It feels more like she’s wondering how she missed this. Not so clever now.

“All those hours spent hunched over your coffee table or staring at that stupid whiteboard, and the most glaringly obvious thing was missed. Did you get wet thinking about how close you were to figuring us out? I bet you did.”

I mean, if she wanted to be bent over, I volunteer as tribute.



Iwatch in annoyance as Malakhi delivers a swift, brutal blow to Quinn's temple, her crumpling form hitting the ground. Fury bubbles up inside me as Malakhi hoists her unconscious body over his shoulder.

"What the hell are you doing, Khi?" I hiss through gritted teeth, my anger seething. I can't believe the reckless decision my brother just made.

Malakhi doesn't meet my gaze as he strides toward the LaRue cleaning van we parked nearby. "I can't let her go, Dom. She's too damn entertaining, and you didn’t let me have toys from Westin Hills, so you owe me this."

I follow him, each step echoing with my mounting frustration. "And this is your brilliant solution? Knocking her out and kidnapping her? You're making stupid choices, and you’ll be punished for this."

Malakhi opens the van's rear door and gently places Quinn inside. He looks back at me, his eyes resolute. "And I’ll pay for it, but I want her. Regardless, we can’t just let her go, obviously."

I clench my fists, my anger still simmering beneath the surface. I understand the need for caution, but this isn't the way to handle it. “There is another way. We just fucking kill her and be done. I’m ready to be fucking done with her after this little bullshit game you’ve been playing.”

Malakhi slams the van door shut and turns to face me. "You’re being a wet fucking blanket, and that’s annoying. Live a fucking little. Let’s go before I piss you off even more. It doesn’t take much."

I know that arguing further won't change Malakhi's mind, and either way, we have to dispose of her outside of this fucking job site. With a heavy sigh, I reluctantly relent, though I can't shake the deep sense of unease that settles in my chest about the path we're now walking.

He walks over to the driver’s side and climbs in, and I let him. I always drive but right now, I don’t say anything because I need to watch her. I don’t trust her, and I don’t trust that Khi won’t fall victim to whatever witchcraft she expels that attracts him.

As we drive away, my eyes remain fixed on Quinn, still unconscious in the back. I can only hope that Malakhi's rash decision won't come back to bite me in the ass, and that somehow, I can give him what he wants, keep us safe, and get fucking rid of this goddamn reporter bitch.

I lean back in the passenger seat as Khi drives, my eyes scanning the headlights and buildings as we head toward the warehouse. A sly grin tugs at his lips as he turns his head to me briefly. His excitement bubbling over as if I’m not internally losing my ever-loving shit.

"You know, Dom," he says, his voice filled with anticipation, "it's been a while since we had some real fun. I'm itching to pick our next victim."

My irritation is palpable, my eyes narrowing as I look at him. "Khi, you need to chill out. We can't just rush into things. We need to lie low for a while. It hasn't been that long since our last kill, and now you’ve got Mary Fucking Sue unconscious in the van. You make my goddamn eye twitch and blood boil."

I can feel his own annoyance at being shot down. He’s unable to see that I am working on keeping us hidden.

We pull up to a traffic light and he leans in closer, his voice low and persuasive. "Come on, Dom, you know we can't resist for fucking forever. Besides, it's not just about the kill. It's about the game, the chase. It's what makes us who we are."

I sigh deeply, my frustration evident. "Khi, I fucking said no. You’re getting way too fucking mouthy. We have to be patient, wait for the right opportunity."

"Fine, Dom," he mutters, "we'll lie low for now. But I’m not going to sit around doing a crossword puzzle or sudoku for a little razzle dazzle excitement in my life."

I roll my eyes at his whiny ass. He’s so fucking dramatic, and I’ve got enough problems on our plate that entertaining him is a low priority. He can get locked in the attic and play solitaire for all I fucking care right now.

