Page 88 of From Hate to Date

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Those creeps were spending a lot of money to get rid of us. And look at them now.

When the Kritters learned I not only had a new man in my life, but actually three, they finally stopped trying to fix me up with their friends. Sure, they were aghast at our arrangement initially, but when Krista got a load of the guys, she changed her tune. Now, she finds all the excuses she can to come into the city with her creep husband and dine at EastSide. I can’t blame her. I like being around them, too.

As for BOB, it turned out his battery hadn’t just run out, his entire mechanism had died from old age. Guess adult toys have a limited shelf life. That’s how they get us to buy new ones, right? A person might assume I no longer need a vibrator or any other kind of toy, now that I’ve got the guys. That’s what I initially thought, too. But it turns out they are lots of fun to use with a partner.

Or partners.

Mrs. Johnson and her chubby beagle lost weight together. They look great, and take long walks in Central Park when the weather’s nice. She couldn’t be happier knowing her boy will be with her a good long time, and now wants to make sure she’s around for him, too. Unfortunately, she’s not too happy about Pawsh’s recent successes. She says the blogger ruined everything, and now the shop is always jammed, too crowded for her leisurely visits. She preferred the place when it was a quiet little Upper East Side shop. I know she’s happy for me though, she just misses the old days when we could hang out and gossip.

I told her fame has its downsides. She didn’t think that was funny.

What is it about pets, sharing our homes, and taking care of innocent little creatures who comfort us as much as we comfort them?

Okay, Harry wasn’t that innocent. But still.

And what is it about the magic of good food, sharing it with friends, creating new rituals, and expanding our palettes?

What’s that old saying?

‘Happiness shared is happiness doubled.”

Or something like that.

With life back on track, I keep pinching myself, waiting for something to go awry. Because it will. It always does. Things are never perfect.

And next time things start going sideways, I won’t be devastated. Problems will be more like a blip on the screen. Because when the three gorgeous men next door have your back, you know you can stand up to most anything trying to knock you down.

They know I’ve got their backs too.

Who would have thought three foodie masters of the universe would have a soft spot for the quirky girl next door?

Not me.

But no one would have thought this girl next door could ever have feelings in return for the hot bistro boys.

I know I didn’t.

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