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“Seeing as I’ve not left my hotel room, pretty good.” He laughed. “Seriously though. I feel all right. Although that’s probably because I’m only talking to you, Robin and Jenny, the rest I’ve done by email.”

“What about Zak and Marisa?” His manager and agent were, in Ben’s opinion, the reason Dorian had kept his sexuality hidden for so long.

“Only by email—I’m not ready to deal with them yet. That’s not to say they haven’t been trying to reach me by other means. I’ve all sorts of obligations but contractually, but as long as I’m at the London premiere in a month forShadow Prince, I’m golden.”

“You mean you actually read the small print on those contracts you sign?”

“Cheeky shit. And yes, every word.”

He was only teasing, Dorian was far from stupid. “Anyway, you’re up early.”

“I’m usually up at six to hit the gym, and I wasn’t sleeping that well anyway so I thought I’d call you instead and let you know my immediate plans.”

“Go on.”

“I’m gonna get out of LA. Head up to Robin’s place in New York the day after tomorrow and lie low for a while.”

Ben had offered the night before, but Ashley had also suggested he went to New York, and he couldn’t shake the thought that it was probably a good idea. “As I mentioned, I could fly out and meet you in New York. We can have a proper chat, help you make some decisions.”

Dorian huffed. “You don’t need to babysit me. Davy and Ashley need you at home.”

The way Dorian said it sounded as if he wanted to accept but didn’t think he could. “Ashley suggested it too. I’d not be coming to babysit but to offer a bit of support. You’ve made a huge leap and it doesn’t hurt to have a few people holding a safety net.”

“I wouldn’t have thought Ashley would’ve cared if I landed head first.”

Ashley hadn’t hidden his opinions on how he’d never thought Dorian was as good a friend to Ben as Ben was to Dorian, and his actions after Robin had left hadn’t helped. “To be honest, while he is concerned about you, there are other aspects.”

“Oh, so it’s more about Robin. We’re friends now, worked through a lot of things, Ashley needs to accept that.”

Ben sighed. Robin obviously hadn’t said anything to Dorian about the Marco situation—it wasn’t Ben’s story to tell—but at the same time Dorian would need to know to tread with caution if he were to stay with Robin. “It’s Simon he’s worried about. Robin’s on his extended assignment in the US, and let’s say the distance has caused a few hiccoughs.”

“Robin didn’t say there’d be any problems.”

He didn’t want Dorian to get the wrong idea because Robin had said things were back in a better place. “Fundamentally, they’re perfect for each other, but Ashley’s a natural worrier, and Simon and Robin are dealing with a long-distance relationship—not always the easiest to negotiate.”

“Fair enough.”

Dorian could read between the lines and could speak to Robin if he needed more information, but his ex-boyfriend’s problems weren’t Dorian’s to solve.

“So I’ll book flights and see you in New York in three days? I’d come earlier but I need to finish off the interviews for my new secretary. I’ve high hopes for the last chap.”

“Sounds good. It’ll be great to see you, Ben. Seems too long.”

“You too, Dorian. Now don’t do anything stupid.”

Dorian chuckled. “No promises but I’ll try my best.”

Ben ended the call. He didn’t intend to be away long, and Ashley had people around who could help. He’d known Dorian since school, and if he could stop him going off the rails, and taking anyone with him, then a few days away would be worth the sacrifice.


Alex tugged at the cuffs of his shirt to ensure his cufflinks were perfectly aligned. He’d been shown into a lovely well-appointed office and sat waiting for Lord Crofton to arrive. The desk was walnut and, he suspected from its design and colouring, was as old as the house. It was quite a contrast to the ultra-modern glass construction his old boss had favoured. As Crofton Hall was a five-hundred-year-old house in leafy Hertfordshire, and the CEO of Lif Ltd had chosen a skyrise in the City of London, it was hardly a fair comparison.

He’d already had a telephone screening with Mr Vinter and he’d got the distinct impression that, while he carried the under butler title, Karl was the one running below stairs, albeit with a nod of deference to the butler, Mr Billins, who had been the one to escort him to his lordship’s office.

The door opened and Alex stood. Lord Benjamin Redbourn, 16th Earl of Crofton was every bit as attractive in person as in his photos, although there was a tiredness around his eyes that accompanied most new fathers he’d encountered. “Alexander Reynolds?” he said holding out his hand.

“Yes, my lord,” Alex said shaking Lord Crofton’s hand. As expected, he had the perfect grip. “It’s my pleasure to meet you.”
