Page 43 of Blood Chased

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She closed her eyes and rubbed her temples as she tried to banish thoughts of Nero. It was futile to think he could be into her … or that she was intohim.But his words played on a loop in her head.

You’re not just my type, hon. You’re the original.

What did that even mean?

“Hey, Valentine,” a deep and familiar voice said.

She startled, looking up. She blinked a few times, confused as she was ripped away from her confusing thoughts.

There stood Nero.

She blinked a few times, wondering if she had somehow imagined him. Could a seriously tragic crush do that? Could it make a grown woman hallucinate?

“You okay?” he asked. His hands were in his jean pockets, and his dark blue Henley worked way too hard at containing the muscular body she’d seen bare. It made her heart beat a little too fast, and her mouth get a little too dry.

His hair was still damp from a shower, and the smell of his soap … or was it his shampoo? … tickled her nose. She knew that smell so well now, and it made her whole body burn for things she really shouldn’t want.

“You didn’t call,” he said as he slowly climbed up the stairs.

“And so you thought it would be a good idea to come here? I’m busy,” she added to hide the fact she was basically panting at how good he looked.

His eyes cut to the empty chair beside her. “I can see that. If you’re not careful, you’ll break that rocking chair.”

She pursed her lips at him in response. Was he teasing her? Seriously? She couldn’t even tell with her heart beating so loudly. It pulsed in her ears, making her head spin.

“Where is your sister?”

“Resting,” she explained.

Nero took the empty seat beside her as he nodded. “Sure. It would be pretty traumatizing to spend that much time with vamps.”

“That’s what I said,” Val grumbled.

“Let’s go for a walk,” Nero suggested once they’d spent a few minutes in silence, rocking their chairs.

“No, thanks. I need to keep an eye on Lilliane.”

He stood and held out his hand to her. “She’s not going anywhere. You’ve been through something, too. You need to recoup.”

She eyed his hand. Did she want to go for a walk with Nero? No. He knew too much about her. She’d confessed more to him than anyone else in her life. What was she supposed to do? Just be okay with it?

“Come on, hon,” he said, pulling her to her feet. “It’ll do you good to get some fresh air in the woods.”

“We’ll get lost. It’s getting dark.”

He chuckled and raised a brow at her. “Do youreallythink I can get lost in these woods?”

She sputtered, but it might have been because he waswaytoo hot when he gave that grin. “Well, no, but I don’t see why …”

“Shh. You’re coming with me. We don’t even have to talk. I’ll just be your friendly forest guide.”

Valentine rolled her eyes, but she let Nero tug her down the steps. She fully blamed the feel of his big, strong hand in hers for her lack of judgment.

At least he kept quiet.

Nero didn’t say anything as he guided her deeper into the woods.

He didn’t let go of her hand either. Valentine was sure he could feel her heart beating right through her palm.
