Page 45 of Blood Chased

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Nero waskissingher.

This wasreallyhappening.

Nero. Fucking. Greenlee. Was. Kissing. Her.


Valentine moaned and melted into his embrace, her brain short-circuiting.

It was a soft brush that was over way too soon, but Nero wasn’t done. He brushed his lips against her a few times so gently that she could barely feel anything but the heat spreading through her limbs.

When he tilted her head back and traced the seam of her mouth with his tongue, Valentine wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing herself to him. She felt him smile against her mouth before he deepened the kiss.

They stood in the rising moonlight, kissing and exploring each other’s bodies with roaming hands. Maybe it was the fresh air or the sound of the wind passing through the trees. It might even have been the moon and the stars.

Or the simple fact that the man kissing her was Nero.

The man who sat on her porch just to make sure she was okay. Sure, it was annoying. But it was also sweet in its determination. The man drove her to rescue her sister.

Nero had done a lot for her in the last few weeks, and this kiss was always going to happen.

In the heat of the moment, as Nero devoured her mouth like she was the most delicious thing, Valentine could admit that she wanted him.

She wanted this … whateverthiswas … to happen.

Her bones ached for more of Nero as she felt his erection digging into her hip. She moaned into their kiss, and he returned the sound, palming her breast with one big, strong hand. The other lingered on her neck. Not tightly, but enough for him to hold her to him.

With trembling fingers, she traced the outline of his abs through his Henley, only daring to dip her fingers under the material when Nero left her lips to nibble her neck.

Her knees buckled under her with the sheer force of passion making its way through her veins. Nero tightened his hold on her. If he let her go, she would melt into a puddle.

He wouldn’t let her go.

Shefeltthat truth deep in her heart, and yet …

“Nero,” she whispered. “We should probably stop.”Please tell me we should keep kissing. Tell me you want me.She couldn’t say it for herself. She was too shy in her inexperience to admit it. To say that she wanted him.

Nero groaned and placed his forehead against hers. “Yeah. You’re right.” But he didn’t move away from her. Instead, he placed a kiss on one cheek, then the other, then her forehead. “I need to tell you something.”

Her heart beat faster as he brushed his lips against her mouth. “Yeah?”

“I want you so much it hurts.” He kissed her again.

“Right back at you,” slipped out of her mouth before she could stop herself.

Nero pulled away and looked into her eyes. “Val,” he groaned before taking sips of her mouth. Really, she was surprised by how much shedidwant him. Usually, when a guy touched her for too long, she would find all kinds of flaws.

They pawed too much, they kissed with too much tongue or too much saliva. But this was perfect.

Everything about Nero and the way he touched her, the way he made her feel, all of it, was just …easy. There was no time to think about his flaws. No fumbles.

Nero was sure of himself, and his clear desire for her made Valentine buzz with newfound power. Something she’d never felt before.

It made her dizzy and breathless in the best way possible. Her blood sang, and her whole body ached. For him. To be with him.
