Page 61 of Blood Chased

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Celestine looked at her like a scolding parent. “Which is really confusing. You were always the romantic one in the bunch. Why aren’t you just loving this?”

Valentine shrugged. She didn’t have an answer.

Celestine wasn’t about to let it go. “You have had a list of your perfect man since you were old enough to write. What was on it again? Oh, right. Tall, handsome, good kisser, sweet and caring, funny and charming. There was also something about being a good cook, having the potential to be a good father, someone with a good career, and …” Ceecee threw her hands up in the air. “From what I can tell, your list islong. Demanding. Impossible, even. And here is this super perfect guy, made just for you, and you give him a hard time.”

“He should’ve told me.”

“That isn’t fair.”

“Sure it is! It’s important information I should’ve had. From the start.”

“Can you maybe try to see it fromhisside? You were already freaking out. Instead of pushing you and giving you more to panic about, he did the best he could. He helped you. He went out of his way to make sure you were okay and safe on your insane mission to get Lil back.”

Val ignored the barbed comment about Lilliane. Her sisters were in a war, and Valentine didn’t want to get caught in the crossfires. She wanted to be neutral. Switzerland. A cool cucumber. The voice of reason.

Besides, her head was too full of Nero and the impending vampire attack to worry about her sisters, who would have to make up eventually.

“Look,” Celestine pointed out of the window. Nero paced along the edge of the property with a deep frown on his face. “That is a man who thinks before he acts. He did the best he could in the situation.”

Valentine took a shuddering breath. “I thought I’d have time to be me.”

“Oh, honey.” Celestine hugged her close. “That man willnevertry to change who you are because he likes you … probablylovesyou … just the way you are.”

“What if I want to go to college and get a degree in abstract art? Go off and be a gallery curator?”

“Then he will probably pay your way and try to find a wolf connection you can use.”

“But that wouldn’t count as something I did for myself. By myself.”

Ceecee shook her head. “Why wouldn’t it? And why would you want to be by yourself? Take it from me. Having a wolf mate watching out for you makes the world a much better, muchsaferworld. Reece changed my life. Not because he takes away all the obstacles but because we tackle them together. It’s nice not to be alone.”

“You’re making me sound irrational for not letting a wolf bite me into a lifelong love story.”

Celestine threw her head back with a laugh. “Are you listening to yourself? Alifelong love story. What more do you want?”

What moredoyou want?

Those words repeated over and over again, echoing in Val’s mind as she and Nero walked through the woods, looking for any sign of an intruder. He stayed a few feet behind her, letting her lead, even though he knew the woods much better than her.

What she would have seen as fake distance before her conversation with Celestine was now something else. Nero wasn’t forcing her to follow him. He let her lead, all the while staying close enough to come to her aid if … when … she needed it.

“Did I thank you for rushing to me after the vamp thing?” she kept her tone low and half wanted him to ignore her. Of course, he didn’t.

“You don’t have to thank me.”

“I do, though. You dropped your life for the second time to rush to my side. It’s nice.”

“Anything, love.”

“Is that a mate thing?”

He chuckled. “It’s a Valentine thing,” he said. “I hated the idea of you being sad and lonely even before I knew who you were. And then, when I found out you were my mate, it was even harder to ignore my instincts.”

“Which are?”

“I want to take you to my house, take care of you, give you everything I have, everything you need. I want to keep you safe and happy. I wanna make sure nothing, and no one ever hurts you again.”

“That’s why you’re here? In the woods?”
