Page 7 of Blood Chased

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He hadno rightto be that good-looking. And because he had broken all the rules being that hot, Valentine decided he needed to be punished.

She pulled the spoon out of his reach and reached for the tub of ice cream instead … right out of his damn hands. She took a big spoonful, stuffed it into her mouth, and with the ice cream melting on her tongue, she said, “Thanks.”

She unceremoniously slammed the door in his handsome face, taking the ice cream with her.



Much to his surprise, the door flew open.

Nero had been waiting for this moment for days and days. He had only wanted a glimpse of the Half-Blood Valentine to make sure she was alive and well. It was his job as the sheriff, but he also wanted to confirm that she hadn’t gone and finished the transition into a full vampire … or an agoraphobic hermit.

She hadn’t.

Valentine Longborn was not a vampire.

She was, however, the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She wasn’t exactly petite, but she was still on the short side with just the right amount of curves. Curves he wanted to get his hands on.

But it was her hair that outdid him completely.

The long locks were auburn. The very same color as the sunset burning the sky.

He was so stunned he barely realized she had taken the tub of ice cream out of his hands. He was mesmerized by her as she took a spoonful of the sweet treat.

And then she slammed the door in his face.

Nero blinked at the closed door and shook his head.

That’s when he heard it. The howling in his head was so loud he couldn’t believe he hadn’t heard it before.

Maaate! Mate, mate, mate! Maaaaaate!

His jaw was on the floor. His limbs refused to move. He was glued to the spot as his mind spun with the realization that he had just met his mate. A Half-Blood. A redhead with a desire to be a hermit. A curvy little number with an attitude.

An ice cream thief and spoon-hog.

“Why are you still here? You saw me. I’m alive and well. And now that I’ve got ice cream, I’m even better. Thanks for the visit. Now, kindly never come back again,” Valentine shouted from beyond the door.

Nero blinked at the closed door, his mouth still gaping. How had this happened? How had he been sitting on this woman’s porch for weeks without realizing she was his mate? Why had it taken seeing her to catch on?

He had to be the dumbest wolf in the world.

“You’re still out there. Drive away, little wolf.” She spoke with a mouthful of ice cream.

“I’m not leaving,” he called out.

“What? Yeah, you are. You have to. You said all you needed was to see me. Well, now you’ve seen me.”

“I need to confirm your identity.”

She snorted and maybe stomped her foot. He couldn’t tell what the littlethumphad been. “You’ve got to be shitting me.”

“Nope. Afraid not.” Really, he just wanted to make sure he hadn’t lost his mind. He wanted to make sure he had indeed just seen his mate.

The door flew open again, and there she stood.

His mate.
